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Before Hermione was fully out of the fireplace she was wrapped up in strong long arms, her head pressed against his chest. She smiled as he held her close, he smelled like fireworks and leather.

"Hi, Fred."

Fred pulled back and cupped her face smiling brightly at her. "Hi, love." Then he swooped down and snogged her like they were the only two people in the room. But they weren't and they quickly heard others cough behind them. Fred pulled back grinning. "Welcome home."

"MY TURN!" George rushed over from Charlie's side to Hermione and slung his arms around her waist and picked her up twirling.

"George!" Hermione laughed as the room spun around her, blurs of red hair flashed before her.

"Welcome home, Hermione!"

"Thanks, George." Hermione smiled as he sat her down and draped his arm around her shoulder, she gave him a side hug and glanced around the room when Fred came to her other side and slid his arm around her waist. Standing between the twins, she saw the rest of the Weasley family smiling at them. Charlie was still wrapped up in his mother embrace, his father standing right next to them looking at them fondly. Hermione was soon pulled away from the twins by Ginny, followed by Ron and Harry. After 20 minutes of welcome backs and hugs they made their way to the kitchen as Molly prepared a special meal. Everyone stayed late that night, mostly talking about the new reserve.

When the twins and Harry were playing exploding snap, Ron and Bill playing chess and Angelina, Molly and Fleur talking about wedding arrangements, Ginny pulled Hermione up the stairs to their old room.

"You remember I wanted to talk to you the last time, but we didn't get the chance?"

"Yes, is everything alright, Gin?"

Ginny smiled nervously as she sat down on her old bed, while Hermione dropped down on hers across from Ginny. "Everything is fine, great really. I- I met someone!" Ginny exclaimed excitingly.

"Really? That's great Ginny! Who is he?"

"It's someone I met during one of our away games. He's funny, smart and GORGEOUS."

Hermione laughed at Ginny's dreamy complexion. "Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Well..." She was playing with the hem of the sheet nervously.

"Not because of Harry, is it?" Hermione asked carefully.

"No, no that's not it. It's just he's- he's a muggle."

"Okay. So, what's the problem?"

"I'm afraid of how they will react."

"Ginny... If he is good to you and you like him. I am one hundred percent sure they will too."

"You think?"

"I know." She smiled reassuringly. "So, tell me more about him, does he know?"

"I told him two weeks ago. He was in shock at first – obviously- but things are great! His name is Seth, he's a teacher in primary school, twenty-six years old and lives in Manchester."

"I would love to meet him."

Ginny jumped up and threw herself at Hermione and hugged her tight. "Thanks, Mione. Do you mind if we had a double date or something? So, I can get him to meet a smaller part of the family before the big explosion."

Hermione laughed as she fully understood what she meant. The Weasley can be much and especially if you are a muggle.

"I think we can work something out. I'll talk to Fred later, okay?"

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