Write To Me

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Fred woke up with a tapping sound at his window. He groaned as buried his head in his pillow. But the tapping continued. He finally gave up and looked up from his pillow to the window. Then he saw it, Hermione's owl. Fred's eyes turned big.

"APOLLO!" And he tried to ran to the window, only to get his feet stuck in his sheets and he came crashing to the floor. Grumbling, he pulled his sheets of his feet and scrambled to the window. He opened it quickly and the owl flew graciously to his bed. He walked back to his bed with a bowl of water and some owl treats, placing them next to Apollo. He rubbed Apollo's head and untied the letter, Hermione's letter. He could recognize her handwriting anywhere. With shaking hands, he opened the letter.


I'm sorry.

George told me what happened, I overreacted. I just didn't think it was in the cards for me, you know the happy ever after. I was afraid, afraid of getting hurt, afraid of losing you, of losing our friendship.

I miss you! More than I thought was possible. I've been throwing myself here at work to keep me distracted. Like a red headed birdie told me you have been doing.

I don't know what the future will hold or what we could be (if you still want to of course) but I do know I want you in it. As a friend or more...

With me being abroad, I know things won't come so easily, it's still a couple of months away before I get back. If I get back. I know you don't want to hear this, but I want to be honest with you, I love it here. I feel like am making a difference. I love my work, I love working with dragons and here I can be myself and I even made friends here, good friends, who take me for who I am.

I don't know if this letter will make you feel better or worse, but I just wanted you to know how I feel.

Hope to hear you soon.

Love, Hermione

PS: If you don't get the happy ever after reference, check some muggle fairy tales.

PPS: Give Apollo a break, if you want to send a reply.

Fred looked to his right and saw the owl sleeping on his bed. Fred looked back at the letter and reread it a few times. Trying to sort out his feelings. She missed him; she wants to try again! But there is also the possibility she would stay in Romania. Fred walked out of his room still looking at the letter as he sat down at his desk. He took a pen and paper he gotten from Hermione, which was way easier than a quill and parchment, and started to write down his reply. He felt like a giddy schoolgirl, who had her first crush.

That day, Ginny helped Hermione around the hospital while George helped Charlie on the reserve. The day flew by quickly and at the end of her shift Hermione led Ginny to the baby dragon enclosure.

"Oh my god! They are so adorable!" Ginny cried as the baby dragons waddled over. When they sat down the little dragons climbed on their laps. A little green one was snuggling in Ginny's side.

"That one is a Welsh Green. Like the one in the tournament. And this one-" she pointed at her lap. "- is a Romanian Longhorn. You can feel the horns coming out." She took Ginny's hand and put it on the dragon's head.

"Wow! At what age can't you interact with them like this anymore."

"Depends on the species. Some get big or territorial fast, others take longer. We try to give them space, try not to interact to much so they can live in the wild later. There is one though, Oco. Charlie found the egg a week before I arrived. We don't know what happened to the mother, but she was gone, we didn't have a female Ironbelly to take care of the egg, so they took it in. The second day I came here the egg hatched. I've been taking care of him with Charlie and Nicolae. We take shifts feeding him. He will probably never be able to live in the wild." Hermione sighed. "Come on, let's go get some dinner, see if the boys are back."

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