A Wedding and Goodbyes

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Hermione came in the living room with her coral bridesmaid dress on. It had short sleeves with a small V-neck. The dress fell to the floor but had a split that came to a stop right above her knee. Hermione decided to get dressed at her flat with Ginny. Spending some overdue quality time together. She was sitting on the ottoman putting on her heels when Ginny walked out the bathroom wearing the same colour dress but with no sleeves and a sweetheart neckline.

"You look beautiful, Ginny."

"Thank you. You look beautiful too, Fred won't know what hit him." She smiled as she pulled Hermione up from the ottoman.

"They should arrive any second now." Before Ginny finished her sentence a loud crack came from the kitchen followed by to red heads and Angelina.

"Hermione!" Angelina cried as she enveloped her in a hug.

"Ange. It's so good to see you! How are you?"

Angelina pulled away, grinning wide. She looked over her shoulders to the twins before looking back at her and showed her hand. Her left index finger was sporting a silver engagement ring, a large dark blue sapphire in the middle with little diamonds that ran across the band.

"Oh, Angelina it's beautiful!" Hermione looked in awe at the ring. "He finally asked then?" She grinned. Angelina laughed as they looked back at George.

"If he waited until after new year's, I would have asked." Angelina and Hermione were now laughing together.

"Ask what?" Ginny was standing at the twins before she made her way over. She saw the ring and squealed. "Congratulations you two." Ginny hugged Angelina tight before hugging George.

Hermione congratulation Angelina before she walked over to the twins. She wrapped her arms around George and whispered.

"Told you so." She pulled back grinning. She saw George looking down at her with the same expression.

"So, you did."

"Now that you are an engaged man and all... can I have my girlfriend back." Fred smiled as he took her hand and spun her into his chest.

"As long as you treat her right."

"I'm planning on it." Fred answered his twin not looking away from Hermione. "You look gorgeous by the way."

"Thank you." She reached up for a kiss. "You look very handsome yourself." She pulled back and let her gaze wonder up and down his body.

"Well, I heard you like a man in a suit."

"That I do." She smiled up at him, still wrapped around in his arms.

"Come on lovebirds, time to go!" Ginny called them over. "And don't let me be alone all night."

"Oh Ginny. In that dress I don't think you would be alone for long." Angelina winked at her. Fred and George frowning at each other before they apparated together.

"Can I have this dance?" She asked Neville when she saw that he finished his drink.

"I love to." They made their way over to the dance floor. Hannah was dancing with her father, her white train twirling around them.

"So, you and Fred huh?" Neville said grinning.


"I think it's great. I've been telling Hannah for a while that you two would be great together."


"Yes, you bring out the best in each other and he can make you laugh, which is really important."

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