St. Mungo's

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A little over 2 weeks later and Hermione was busy working at St. Mungo's. She was just joking and talking with her co-workers when a patients file was giving to her.

"Room 3, healer Granger."

She took file and walked to the hallway and pushed the door open with a large 3 on it. She just entered the room when she saw a tall red head sitting on the exam table. She looked at Fred than the file and back at Fred again.

"Fred! What are you doing here? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm here for 2 things actually." Hermione cocked an eyebrow. "First. I am here for my sixth month checkup. You know after almost dying." He added dramatically. "And second. I still don't have a phone." He pouted at her.

"You know that doesn't work on me, right?" Smiled as she looked back at the file. "Why isn't healer Debb here?"

"Because I asked for you."

"And why is that?"

His ears turned a bit pink. "Because you promised to come with me to buy me phone."

"I did no such thing. You just told me or Harry got to come with you. And that was like 2 weeks ago."

"Yeah. I have been busy."

"Sure. And why didn't you ask me after your check up?"

He shrugged and smiled at her. "This is more fun." She returned to her file and read it thoroughly before speaking again.

"Clothes off." She said without looking up.

"My, my, bossy healer Granger." He teased and took his clothes of except his boxers.

"Yes, you can leave them on." As she walked over and placed the file next to Fred. "Can you lay back?" Fred did as he was told without cracking a joke. He saw how serious she looked and how seriously she took her job.

"So... why didn't you tell me you need to take a potion daily?"

"No one knows." Hermione looked surprised at his answer.

"No. Not even George. They worry too much. They didn't leave me alone for the first year after it happened."

She nodded before answering. "Yeah, I know. If they couldn't be there they sent me or Harry. But they did that because they love you." Fred pulled his arms up and placed his hands behind his head, eyes closed.

Hermione took him in yet again. Her gaze following his arms, chest and abdomen. She snapped her head back up before he would notice.

"But that's why I didn't tell them. Because if they knew I had to take potions the rest of my life to not be in pain or that my body could crumble down they would never leave me alone."

"I get that. But you should have someone to talk to about this. So if something were to happen, they know what to do." She reached out for his shoulder. "What if something happened? You could die without that potion." Fred saw fear in her eyes as she looked down on him. He reached over and touched her hand that rests on his shoulder.

"I'm fine really. And besides now you know. Now you are my emergency contact."

Hermione let out a small chuckle. "You know what that is?"

"We do have a muggle TV, Hermione."

"Right. And do you also know how they reach your emergency contact?" She saw Fred thinking about the question before shrugging.

"With a phone, Fred." As she laughed and Fred chimed in. "Alright, now for the serious part. First a few questions." She picked up the file again and asked the questions that where in his file and stopped at the last one. "Okay. Last question..-"

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