The Weekend After

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Hermione started to wake at the sound of a voice. Thinking it was the warm body next to her, she just kept her head on his shoulder. "Hmm?"

"Hermione, are you up?" She heard a knock on her door and both her and Fred bolted straight up and looked at each other, panic all over their faces.

"Yeah, coming!" She called back. She heard Ginny's footsteps grow still as she went to the kitchen. "You got to go."

"Why is she here so early?" Fred flopped back down, groaning into her pillow. Hermione looked at her alarm clock.

"Oh my god, it's 10.30."

At that, Fred jumped up and begin gathering his clothes. "What!? George is going to kill me. I was supposed to be there at nine." He took his shirt and smiled down when he noticed the missing buttons, with a wave of his wand the buttons attached themselves back.; While Hermione was putting on a tank top and plaid pajama trousers.

"What are you going to say to George?"

He just shrugged. "Don't know. I will come up with something. He will notice that my bed was empty though." Hermione looked petrified.

"Don't worry, love. This secret is safe with me." He winked at her before he bent down and gave her a deep kiss. "This was fun." With a teasing grin on his face as he pulled back.

"Yeah, it was." She slapped him on the arm and smiled back at him.

He looked back at the clock. "I really need to go."

"See you tomorrow." She said as she walked to her door. Fred looked questionable at her. "Sunday lunch, the burrow?"

"Oh yeah, right." He smiled at her before he apparated.

Hermione pointed her wand at her bed and covers pulled up until the bed was fully made. She picked up last night clothes and put them in the hamper before leaving for the kitchen.

"Good morning, sunshine. Had a bit too much to drink?"

"You're one to say."

"Yeah. Ha-ha. Here is some coffee and a pepper up potion."

"Thanks, Gin." She opened the vial and drank it in one go. Then put the warm cup in her hands.

"How long did you stay last night?"

"Uhm, don't know exactly. About 2 o'clock?"

"That's late for you."

"Yeah. But it was quit fun watching Ron strike out again." They both started to laugh.

"He really doesn't get woman." Ginny said while laughing.

"No, he doesn't." After the laughter fell down Ginny ushered her into the bathroom. "Come on shower. So, we can get going."

After she was showered and ready, they apparated to their usual brunch spot Le Petit Cafe. After an hour they went shopping is muggle London, going from shop to shop. Ginny trying out clothes like she doesn't have anything more at home.

"Gin are you almost done? My feet are killing me."

"Yes, sorry. Got a little enthusiastic."

"I got that." She smiled at her best friend who smiled back but it couldn't reach her eyes. "How are things between you and Harry?" Her smile faltered.

"I don't know. It still feels like something is in the way. Like something is wrong."

"I'm sorry Gin. I wish I could help you, but I know you will figure it out." She rubbed her shoulder. "Just do what is best for you and if you want to talk, I'm here. You are my best friend too." Ginny flew her arm around Hermione and pulled her into a hug.

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