The Romanian Minister

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Charlie and Hermione split up, trying to cover as much of the reserve as possible. They talked to everyone they passed and told them to tell the others. They informed them that the minister was coming, and they all had to put their best foot forward, clean the enclosures and answer questions if asked. It was half past 11 when Hermione and Charlie met again at the entrance of the reserve.

"Do you think we're ready?"

"Ready as we'll ever be I suppose." Charlie answered.

"Nicolae and Max where just securing the enclosures while Dana and Levi where cleaning the little one's enclosure."

"Good, good." Charlie said absently, staring at the road ahead of them.

"Charlie." Hermione reached for his arm. "We got this."

"We got this." Charlie repeated smiling at her. "They're here."

Kingsley walked up with a sour looking man. He has short black hair and was as tall as Hermione but almost as wide as Hagrid. Hermione put on her best smile as they walked closer.

"Good morning, Miss Granger, Mister Weasley." Kingsley announced officially.

"Good morning, minister." Hermione and Charlie answered shaking his hand.

"May I introduce the minister of Romania. Minister Dumitru."

"Nice to meet you." He said sour in a thick accent. Hermione and Charlie shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Let's get started." Kingsley smiled as he ushered them in the reserve.

They walked in the reserve and started at the enclosure of the baby dragons.

"Minister, here are the ones we rescued when they were still in their eggs. With some of them we don't know what happened to their mum, but others like him -"

"Their mum was cornered and killed for her horns. She suffered at lot before she died." Hermione looked back at the minister. His eyebrows shot up for a moment before his face looked blank again.

"Let's get going."

They walked further down the path and reached the open enclosure of the grown dragons. They were roaring as we walked past. "Here are our adults. We will release most of them in a couple of months when they are fully healed."

"They don't attack people at random, only when feeling threatened."

"What about this one?" The minister finally spoke as he pointed to Nixi.

"Oh, this is Nixi. She only trusts women. She was captured by a group of male traffickers. And they starved and tortured her. As you can see -" He pointed at her neck. "- there, right on her neck."

Both of the ministers gasped as they saw a large star from her neck to her abdomen, still not fully healed.

"We are trying everything we can to heal it but it's not easy. We still don't know if she will make it."

"What happened to the people who did that?"

"They were captured but only to be released a couple of hours later."

The Romanian minster frowned as he looked at the dragon. His gaze turned towards Hermione. "Can you get in with her."

"Uhm. Yes." Hermione opened the enclosure and slipped in. She slowly walked towards her. "Hi, Nixi."

Nixi looked up and cocked her head taking her in. She blew at a breath and laid her head down in front of her. Hermione walked closer and stroked her head. "How you are doing, girl?"

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