The Burrow

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When they stepped out of the fireplace, the living room was empty, they looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Then they heard laughter coming from the garden. They both walked to the window and peered outside. There was a tent with a large table underneath. They saw Molly and Arthur gather everyone around. Bill, Fleur and little Victoire were already sitting at the table next to Ron, Percy, Andromeda and Harry, who had Teddy on his lap. On the other side a couple of feet away from the table stood Ginny, George and Fred. The latter looking worried at the burrow.

"I think we better get outside before Fred loses it." Charlie chuckled as he offered his arm. Hermione gladly took it as they walked outside. Fred was the first one who noticed them as he was still looking at the house. His worried look was replaced with a big grin as they walked down the garden.

"SURPRISE!" Hermione and Charlie yelled and every head in the garden turned to them. Molly squealed as she ran up to them. Harry and Ron on her heels.

"CHARLIE! HERMIONE! What a nice surprise." Molly's eyes locked on their arms that were still linked in one another. Her eyes turned big, she smiled sweetly before Hermione could think anything of it, she was almost knocked off her feet by Harry and Ron.

"Mione!" They said as they wrapped her into a hug. "We missed you."

"I missed you too. Why is everyone outside?"

"Well -" They started walking to the tent. "- you see Andromeda and Teddy are here. And Luna, Neville and Hannah are coming too. So it would be too crowded inside. And now with you and Charlie. Why didn't you tell us?" Harry asked.

"We wanted to surprise everyone; we weren't sure if we could get time off."

"Auntie Mione!" Two toddlers cried out as the ran over to her.

"Oi! What about me?" Charlie cried out.

"They like me better." Hermione teased and stuck out her tong. The toddlers ran into her arms as she bent down. "Hi peanut. Hi Nugget. I missed you so much." She hugged them at the same time. And whispered: "Now go hug your uncle Charlie, he looks a little lonely."

"Okay." And they both jumped on a leg that made Charlie nearly toppled to the ground. "We missed you, Uncle Charlie!"

Hermione laughed as she stood back up. Charlie turned to the youngsters and took out the presents from his pocket. "This is from me and auntie Mione."

Hermione looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Charlie just grinned at her before looking back at the kids as they ripped open paper. Victoire was holding a stuffed dragon who looked exactly like Nixi while Teddy was holding one just like Oco.

"This one-" He pointed at Teddy's dragon. "- is Oco. And this one-" he turned to Victoire. "- is Nixi. They look exactly like two of the dragons we are taking care of at the reserve. Maybe one day you could get to meet them."

"Thank you!" They both hugged Charlie before turning to her and hugging her legs.

"Now we won't hear the end of it." Bill laughed as he and Fleur joined them. "Hi Charlie, Hermione." He and Fleur hugged them both. Fred, George and Ginny walked up to them and plastered a wide smile on their faces as if they haven't seen each other not even an hour ago.

"Mione! You're back!" Ginny yelled as she tackled her in a hug.

"Subtle." She whispered, making Ginny chuckle. Fred and George turned to Charlie and welcomed him back before turning to Hermione.

"Hermione!" They both called out and they wrapped her in a twin hug. "So nice to see you."

"It's been so long."

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