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After 'lunch' they walked back hand in hand as she led him to the infirmary. She wanted to show him Oco and how they were taking care of him. She opened the door and saw Nicolae sorting through Oco's food. He looked up smiling at Hermione, his smile faltered a bit when he saw Fred right behind her. Fred in his turn noticed his change in behaviour and scowled.

"Nicolae!" She called out and walked over to the crate. "How's my baby?"

"Our baby, you mean." He winked at her. Fred stiffening behind her. She just smiled up at her co-worker who took a place next to her. "He's fine. He finished his bottle, I just put him down."

Hermione looked down at the sleeping dragon, once again curled up in several blankets. He grew twice his size in the last weeks since George saw him.

"I think we can start feeding him solid food next week."

"That's great! Did you talk it over with Charlie?"

"Yes." He said slowly watching Fred walk closer and standing at the other side of Hermione. "He left only a couple of minutes ago."

Hermione saw Nicolae looking at Fred with furrowed eyebrows. "Oh sorry, Nicolae this is Fred, Fred this is Nicolae. As you can see, George is his twin."

Both men stared at each other while shaking hands. Hermione looked worried at the exchange. Before she could say something Oco led out a cry. They all turned to the little dragon and Hermione bend down to pick him up.

"Oh, Nicolae?" Charlie asked as he walked in the room. "Oh, here you are Hermione, Fred." Charlie quickly felt the tension in the room and asked Nicolae to help him in one of the enclosures. Hermione beckoned Fred over to sit in the rocking chair. Fred looked a bit worried but did as was told.

"Here, if you want, you can hold him."

"Are- are you sure?"

"Do you want me to tell George you chickened out?" She asked smirking down at him. Fred scoffed and uncertainly held out his arms. "There you go."

Hermione slowly placed the dragon in his arms as she stroked his head. She told him how to sooth him and Oco fell right back to sleep. They sat there in silence for a while watching the dragon sleep. "So, what do you think so far?"

Fred looked up from the dragon with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Brilliant. You really do amazing work here, love."

Hermione frowned at him. "Something wrong?"

"No, it's just-" He glanced at the door before looking in her eyes again. "I know this is new for the both of us and we haven't talked about us, but seeing some of the guys here, like Nicolae-" Fred's voice hitched and he looked back down at the sleeping dragon. Hermione stood up and gently took Oco from his arms and laid him down back in his crate. She turned and slowly walked over to him as she sat down sideways on his lap.

"Fred." She put a finger under his chin and made him look at her. She smiled softly at him. "I'm not interested in the guys here. I'm only interested in one."

"Who is it? I will duel him." Fred chuckled softly. His smile vanished as he searched her eyes. "Hermione... Merlin, this sounds stupid. Hermione will you be my one and only girl." He asked nervously. Hermione smiled wide at him before snogging him senseless. After a moment she pulled back.

"Yes." She breathed the word out. Fred smiled big, before pulling her back down to him. His heart pounded fast in his chest. He knew he loved her, he wanted to scream it to the world, but he only asked her to be his girlfriend a couple of minutes ago, he didn't want to scare her off.

After dinner with Charlie, Hermione pulled Fred in her bedroom and closed the door immediately. Fred chuckled at her as she silenced the room.

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