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Fred kept himself busy the last couple of weeks with the shop. He was now standing in front of the old Zonko's building, looking up at the boarded-up windows. He felt a bit sad at the state of his favorite shop from over the years. The owner Zonko retired a couple of years ago, when he couldn't keep up with the twin's shop. So now the shop was dark and empty, not like it once was. Fred turned and leaned his back against the building waiting for Zonko to show up. After five minutes, he saw the elderly man walk up the street towards him.

"Mister Weasley. Good to see you." Zonko held out his hand and big smile on his face.

"Zonko! Good to see you too. How is retired life going for you?"

"Great. Just me and the missus enjoying our quiet time and a bit of traveling." He reached in his pocket and took out a key. "Should we go in first? Then we can go to the broomsticks to discuss everything."

"Sounds good to me. Lead the way." He smiled at the man.

"I think you know the way as good as me." He chuckled as he held opened the door and ushered him in.

Zonko flicked his wand, the lights came on, revealing the empty shop. No products in sight, only empty shelves from wall to wall covered in dust. And empty register at the right side of the store.

"So, I know you guys know the shop like the back of your hand. I will just show you the backroom, the storage area and the flat upstairs. He pointed at the hallway and crossed the store to the back, Fred on his heels. They entered a large backroom with a large desk in the middle and bookcases that climbed up to the ceiling. On the left side by the window were cots for owls, where they could rest between deliveries. Zonko opened the door on the right at the back of the storage room Fred followed him down on the staircase into the basement.

"This is the storage room. I hope it's big enough."

Fred's mouth dropped open. The storage room was two times as big then the one in Diagon Alley. It was completely empty except from a few boxes stacked in the corner.

"Yes, definitely big enough." Fred smiled.

"Brilliant! Now let's head up to the flat." Zonko said as he made his way back up the stairs. He opened the door on the left and walked up the staircase and opened the door and let Fred in before him.

They entered in a small hallway. To his left he saw four doors and to his right one big double door. Zonko ushered him to the one on the right. Fred pushed the double door open and walked in the living room. That was still partially furnished. A big leather couch that could seat at least five people stood against the wall on his right. While a big dark wood dining table for six people was right in front of him. Behind the dining table was a half open kitchen with white rustic cabinets and an island with four bar stools around it. After they explored the living area and the kitchen, they made their way back to the hallway. The first door was spacious bathroom with on the left a shower and a bathtub. On the right, a toilet and a sink that was surrounded with rustic white cabinets (slightly different than from the kitchen). The second door was the master bedroom without any furniture. The third door was a second bedroom, the last room was either a small bedroom or an office.

"Oh, before I forget." Zonko called him over back to the living room. He walked over to the left corner and opened the window. The window turned into a glass door and Zonko stepped out. Fred followed intrigued and stepped out. He found himself on a small balcony with two stairs running down on either side of it.

"This one." Zonko pointed to the left is for visitors after the store closes. The staircase ends up down at the alley next to the shop. "This one." He pointed in the other direction. "Leads you to the garden."

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