Up and Left

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It was Friday night and the group sat in their usual booth. The only difference is that now Seamus and Dean were sitting with them. She decided she would go work in Romania for a few months. Fred and Hermione agreed to write to each other when she was away. She was going to announce it to her friends tonight. Her leg started trembling as she grew nervous, afraid of their reaction. She felt a hand on her knee, giving her a reassuring squeeze. She looked up and Fred smiled down at her.

"I have an announcement." All the heads turned to her. "I'm taking the job in Romania."

They all looked a bit shocked but a least no one yelled.

"I'm proud of you, Hermione. You are going to do great." Said Angelina.

"Thanks, Ange."

"Can we come visit?"

"Sure. I can't go a couple of months without seeing me favourite red head." She smiled at Ginny. She heard Fred snort, only loud enough for her to hear.

"Are you going to be back before the wedding?" Neville asked.

"I'm working there until the end of the year, but I will come over for the wedding."

After that they all hugged and congratulated her. A few drinks and dances later, she made her way back to the booth and dropped next to Angelina.

"Where are the twins?" Hermione asked searching the crowd.

"Don't know. George dragged Fred away about 10 minutes ago." Angelina said without any worry in her voice. "So, are you excited?" Before she could answer George reappeared with a wide grin on his face. "What did you do?"

"That hurts, Ange. Why do you think I did something?"

"Because I know you!" Hermione snickered at Angelina's retort.

"Fine, you got me there. I just "helped" Fred with the waitress from the last time we were here."

Hermione chocked on her drink and started coughing. "Sorry, wrong pipe."

Angelina turned her focus back on George. "What? Why?"

"Because he likes her. He told me this week."

"And what did you do?" Angelina asked again.

"I locked them in the bathroom." He grinned

"Merlin, George! How old are you?" Angelina slapped is arm. "That's your brother. If he wants someone or something, he can get it himself.

"I will go free him." She laughed as she stood up. She walked to the door and with a quick spell she pushed it open. But she saw something she wasn't expecting. The waitress Liza had her hands gripping on his collar as she kissed him. When the door bounced of the wall, they both jumped apart. Horror struck Fred's face.

"So, this is what you meant about trying to figure things out!" Hermione yelled her face red with anger. Before Fred could answer, she turned on her heel and ran out the bar before she apparated to her flat. She closed the fireplace and put on wards as she collapsed crying on the couch.

"I got something to tell you. Come on" George said walking with Fred the restroom. "I know you are still working out your feelings and what not for that girl. But I thought you needed a little push." At that last word he literally pushed him in the restroom and closed the door in a hurry. He pulled out his wand as he locked the door.

"Damn you, George!" He tried to open the door. "Open it now!" George didn't answer and he searched his pockets for his wand.

"So, here we are." He heard behind him. He turned fast and stopped looking for his wand. "Why didn't you call me?" Liza pouted in a flirty way.

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