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Hermione landed in Charlie's living room and looked in awe at the cabin, her eyes going in every direction. The fireplace stood in the corner of the living room. A big brown leather couch facing the window and two love seats on each end, a round coffee table in the centre. The walls covered in bookshelves. Books piled on top of each other, books on dragons, Romania, all sorts, even some muggle books.

"Welcome to my home." Charlie grinned.

"Charlie, it's wonderful!" Hermione gave a wide grin.

"Let me give you a tour." Charlie led her across the room and into the kitchen. It was a spacious room with light brown cabinets in an L-form on the other side was a round kitchen table with 4 chairs around and a backdoor going out to the garden. Following Charlie down the hall there were 3 doors. The first one was Charlie's room. On the opposite side was the second bedroom where Hermione will be staying. A double bed stood in the middle of the room against the window, a desk in the right corner next to the closet, on the other side of the room stood a navy-blue love seat.

"Wow. Charlie, this is lovely. You really don't mind me staying here?"

"No, Hermione. I've been living here alone for quite some time. I'll love your company." She gave him a tight hug.

"Thank you, Charlie." Charlie smiled.

"Put your stuff down, I will show you the bathroom, you can unpack later. And I will show you around the reserve."

That afternoon Charlie showed her around at the reserve. There was a white building where she would work as a healer. The building only had a couple of rooms. The biggest one was a room with 10 beds with only one occupied. Then you have the staff room, kitchen, bathroom and 3 separate rooms for long term patients. When they walked to the injured man a healer walked up behind them. Hermione turned around. A tall man mid 30's with short black hair stood in front of them.

"Hi, Charlie! Oh, you must be Hermione Granger. Heard a lot about you." Healer Funar smiled and shook their hands.

"Yes, I heard a lot about you too. Nice to meet you, Healer Funar."

"Call me Razvan. Why don't you come look at our patient today?" As he waved them over to the last bed.

In the bed lay a man about 25 years old with brown waving hair and piercing blue eyes. He was laying down in a bed shirtless with a pained expression. He had a severe cut running from his right shoulder over his chest and stopped at his abdomen on the left.

"Nicolae." Charlie sighed and looked worried. "What happened?"

The man named Nicolae tried to sit up, but Razvan pushed him back down as he started attending his wound. Hermione watched fascinated at the wand work as the other two talked about what happened. After the wound started to heal Razvan updated his chart and gave it to Hermione who looked it over. After a pepper up potion, Nicolae finally pulled himself up and sat right up on his bed.

"Hi. I'm Nicolae." He smiled and held out his hand. "You must be our new healer?"

"Yes. I will be filling in for Healer Funar. I'm Hermione Granger." She shook his hand.

"We should be going. Still a lot to see." Hermione and Charlie turned to leave.

"See you later, Healer Granger."

"Rather not. Wear you protection gear, Nicolae." Charlie answered.

After the tour and dinner, Hermione walked out to the garden with a quill and parchment. She sat down on a sunbed trying to write her letters.

But the view was too distracting. Every time she tried to write her gaze kept looking up. Charlie's cabin was surrounded by trees with a creek running down at the end of the garden. Mountains rising at her left and right, it was just perfect. The view wasn't the only thing that kept her from writing. After her quick departure she wanted to explain herself, but she just didn't know what to write.

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