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"Hey honey, dinner is ready, come down we have a guest...some guests actually." Tanya knocked on Melia's door before walking in. Melia paused her movie, Scream 4 and sat up from her bed.

"Im not hungry but thanks." She spoke quietly as she stood up and stretched.

"I'm not asking, your father-"

"Step." Melia corrected her as she fixed the part of her bed she messed up.

"Your stepfather, wants you to meet the new house workers." Tanya looked at her before walking into her closet, scanning through the clothes.

"Workers? I thought it was just the one dude..he was weird." Melia mumbled, her arms folded as she watched her mother.

"Sweatshirts, bikinis and little ass shorts. Where are your clothes Zaira!?" She frowned, digging through the lackluster pile of clothes.

"You're looking at them." Melia chuckled a little walking up behind her.

"You need a dress or at least a nice shirt, you're wearing the same three hoodies every time I see you or you're in a swimsuit swimming." Tanya sighed heavily.

"And we have more maids, and a house sitter. Who are all coming to dinner, as well as Dayvon the "weird dude". ." She said finally finding a dress through all the chaos. She handed the short black fashion nova dress to Melia.

"Um..Darrell would fall over and die if I wore this." She held up the short, black dress with a frown. It was more for a party, not a dinner.

"I'm the mother and I say wear it. So put it on, fix yourself up and get your butt downstairs." Tanya smiled big, backing up out Melia's bedroom and closing the door.

She walked downstairs and towards the door after the doorbell had been rung twice. She noticed Dayvon standing there with his hands in his pockets, looking around outside.

"Hello, I'm sorry it was such short notice but Darrell insisted everyone come over for dinner to get to know each other." She said with a smile a cheerful tone in her voice.

"Dinner?" Von frowned, definitely not getting that memo in the text.

"Oh? I'm sorry did I not specify?" Tanya looked at her phone, seeing that she indeed forgot to mention that to him.

"I am so sorry! How foolish of me." She laughed a little, a warm embarrassed feeling in her face. Dayvon looked behind him, Booka and Durk looking around through his tinted windows.

"I just...I brought my friends..wit me cause I ain't know." He says, his voice quiet and deep but she could still hear him, her smile unintentionally growing bigger as she stared at him.

"Ma'am?" Von frowned, Tanya still entranced by his voice and good looks. She blinked a few times and cleared her throat.

"Oh! That's fine...thats real...fine. I mean invite them in! We don't mind. Honestly, we love company it gets so lonely out here." She turned around as she spoke with loud projection walking towards the dining room.

Von walked over to the car, telling them to come with him.

"Who the fuck was dat? Bitch was fine as fuck, shit lemme work here too." Booka climbed out the backseat as he licked his lips.

"What's goin on?" Durk asked smacking his lips as he closed the car door. They headed towards the house walking in and making their to where everyone else was.

Heads turned looking at the three, they felt a little out of place, still wearing their all black. Thanking God they didn't have any bloodshed on their clothing or hands.

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐊𝐕Where stories live. Discover now