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The next morning, at around 9:30, Darrell and Tanya returned home to find Von's car parked out front, which had become a familiar sight to them.

Entering the home, Tanya made her way upstairs while Darrell disappeared into his office immediately.

The sound of Tanya's red bottom heels clicked loudly throughout the long hallway as she strutted her way towards her daughter's bedroom.

"M-Melia?!" She opened the door, her eyes widening at the sight of Dayvon and Melia laid up in each other's arms, Von on his back with Melia still laying her head on his chest, her leg found its way across his body as well. His hand rested on her thigh, keeping her in place.

"Get up now! Get the hell up!" Tanya shouted, both of them waking up and looking around before looking at each other almost forgetting the events that transpired the night before.

"Dayvon, get up and either get to working or leave." Tanya folded her arms, full authority in her voice as she glared at the two. He sat up with Melia and looked at her for a few seconds, just now realizing the scar on her eye.

"You okay?" He asked and she smiled a little, both of them completely disregarding Tanya standing right there and moving at their own pace.

"Yes, thank you." She said quietly, looking into his eyes. He nodded a little before he stood up and grabbed his shirt walking past Tanya as he put it on.

Her eyes followed him, looking all over his perfectly toned and tattooed body as he made his way out the door before she closed it and walked over to Melia.

"What the hell did I tell you!?" She got loud, pointing at Melia with a pissed off expression, anger in her tone.

"We didn't do anything." Melia quietly explained to her mother but she wasn't having it, finding it hard to believe by the position they were in.

Tanya pointed her finger toward Melia, "Zaira I told you! I told you to leave him alone, he's here to work!" her voice full of frustration as she ripped Melia a new one.

Melia could see how visibly frustrated her mother was, thinking that she just wanted to protect Melia from being disappointed when things don't workout between her and Dayvon. But in reality she was just somewhat jealous.

"I didn't have sex with him..he just stayed the night I promise we didn't do anything like that, we haven't kissed each other or touched each other. Nothing." Melia spoke quickly, stumbling over her words as she tried to prove herself which only made her look more guilty in her mother's eyes.

"Why was he here at night Melia? He never is, so why when we go out of town he's here?" Tanya kept on with her interrogation, but all Melia could do was repeat herself, swearing up and down they weren't romantically involved.

Eventually, Tanya gave up and walked out of the bedroom as Melia breathed a sigh of relief and stood up to get ready for the day. Once she finished she made her way downstairs, looking for Von in the backyard, thankfully finding him in the shed.

"Dayvon, I didn't mean to drag you into it. I didn't see your text otherwise I wouldn't have did what I did." She said quietly as she closed the door, giving them some privacy once again.

"It's cool shorty. She was probably a bitch, deserved that shit." He shrugged, digging through some tools. Melia smiled a little before she was about to open the door once again.

Dayvon stopped her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back towards him, catching Melia completely by surprise.

"Put it on yo life you won't tell nobody." He stepped closer to her, Melia looking up at him with a little frown.

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐊𝐕Where stories live. Discover now