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"Come outside." Dayvon mumbled into the phone. It was 2 AM, his car parked outside of Melia's home. She grabbed her bag and walked downstairs quietly, stepping in the right spots so the stairs wouldn't creak.

Once she made it successfully downstairs she quickly made her way to the front door, walking out and rushing to his car. Once she slammed the door closed he looked over at her, silently examining her face.

"I missed yo beautiful ass." He mumbled as she leaned over kissing on his lips.

"I missed you too." She said quietly as she sat back in her seat. He didn't drive off yet, his hand on his gun in his lap as he continued to stare at her while she looked down at her hands.

"I think something is up..with them." She turned and looked at him breaking the long and dreadful silence.

"Lemme kill em. Right now." He clenched his jaw as he took his gun off safety. She shook her with a soft sigh.

"I wanna find out..I don't wanna assume anything but.."

"I think Jeshon killed...I think he killed Talia or had someone kill her." She frowned deeply as tears filled her eyes. She wiped them away quickly, she hated crying it showed weakness and she was trying to work on not doing it.

"Cause of the rape?" He put his gun back on safety as he drove off.

"Yes..he definitely can't let that get out..it would ruin Darrells reputation.." She mumbled watching the trees go by as he drove fast.

She looked ahead, somehow just now realizing she was riding on the back road for the first time at night since Talia died. It freaked her out, and she covered her eyes as Dayvon glanced in her direction.

"Mama you okay." He reached over holding her hand in his the whole way. She kept her eyes closed though but it was still comforting to know he had her back.

"I got a surprise fa you." He smirked as he pulled up to the abandoned house. Melia looked over at with a smile before it slowly faded away.

"You aren't mad at me?" She asked, as he clicked her seatbelt away for her before doing his.

"Fa what?" He looked at her slightly confused, and she shrugged, wondering if she should even mention it.

"For not replying to you for two weeks.." She mumbled while looking forward at the house, her eyes examining the rotting wood and plants that overgrew throughout the porch and outer walls of the house.

"Ah yeah. I'm fasho getting on yo ass later." His smirk dropped as he stared at her blankly for a moment.

"But I'm in a good mood right now, I got my baby back and I brought you something special, I know you gon love it." A twisted, sadistic smile crept across his lips as he got out the car. Melia smiled, a wave of happiness coming over her.

Melia opened her door and he ran around slamming it closed, before he went around and got back in the driver's seat as she sat there with wide eyes, confused on what he was doing.

"Open that door and imma slap the fuck outta you. Now let's try dis shit again." He opened his door and got out making her laugh and roll her eyes at the dramatics.

He opened her door and grabbed her hand pulling her out of the car. He wrapped his arm around her as they walked into the house.

"Wait.." He stopped her, pulling the camera out of his hoodie pocket. He opened it and clicked record, pointing the camera towards her and recording from his point of view.

"You so beautiful Zaira." He mumbled with a smirk, watching her through the camera as she smiled and did a few poses. He was so obsessed with her, it was slowly driving him crazy.

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