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"We did it.." Booka chuckled, as they pulled up and got out, all of them hyped. Melia ran up to Von and he picked her up as they hugged each other. She smiled laying her head on his shoulder as he continued to hold her.

"I missed you so much." She mumbled, hugging around his neck tighter, his heart swelling up so much. He was truly in love now, he wanted to give her the world.

"I missed you too Zai." He replied kissing her ear and letting her back down. He chuckled a little looking around, they really went to the extreme to get him out, that was real loyalty.

"Imma see y'all, be safe." Booka dapped everyone up, before walking away to go home. Lana looked at the time and sighed a little.

"I really am grounded so I gotta home too, take care." She did the same, her and Melia waving goodbye as Melia chuckled. She was definitely going to miss her.

Von hugged Melia from behind, it was around 12 in the morning, the sky extra dark that night, not a star in sight but the moon shined so brightly over the black city.

"Shit...well." Durk mumbled, running his hand through his hair. He looked at Von and Melia as Von walked over to him to dap him up one last time.

"Imma see you gang, this ain't it." Von let him know and he nodded once, looking at him and then Melia. They were best friends for real, knowing each other their whole lives, so this was hard knowing they might not see each other for a long time.

"Fasho. Zai keep yo promise ion wanna have to track you down one day in five years to see you still acting crazy." He said making her laugh.

"I will." She said softly walking over, giving him a hug. She slid something in his pocket, a small folded piece of paper but he didn't notice it. Neither did Dayvon.

"Bye.." She backed up and he said it back before her and Von got in his car. They drove off and then Durk got in his car and drove off too.

"Where we going?" Von looked over at Melia as he drove out of Chicago's city limits. She smiled a little, reaching over and giving him a kiss as her hand ran over his lower half.

"Pull over." She whispered and he smirked, doing as told. He pulled off on side of the road, putting the car and park before turning it off. They were in the middle no where really, about 16 minutes from Haddonfield.

Melia unbuckled her seatbelt as Von did the same, knowing what time it was. He put the seat back, watching as she pulled her bottoms off, throwing them in the floorboard below.

He pulled his boxers away, Melia climbing over in the seat and straddling him, lowering herself onto him with a soft moan, falling in love with him all over again.

He groaned, biting down on his lip at the wet and warm feeling, he missed being inside her so much.

He grabbed her neck, kissing her lips deeply as she brought her hands to his shoulders, slowly bringing them to his neck and then holding his face in her hands.

"Shit." He groaned and wrapped both of his hands around her neck tightly, as she bounced up and down on his dick, breathless moans escaping her lips.

"Keep goin, don't you fucking stop Zai, keep goin." He mumbled, looking up at her, her eyes rolling back as she sped up, sound attempting to leave her mouth.

"Fuckkk!" Melia whimpered, catching her breath as he let go of her neck, thrusting his hips upwards touching every inch of her. She cried out, holding around his neck for support as he sped up.

"Fuckkk baby fuck." He groaned, releasing the knot in his stomach as his cum filled her up, flowing out of her pussy as she continued to ride him.

"Oh my God, fuck." She cried, looking deep into his eyes, his locking into her dark eyes slowly becoming entranced. She leaned back holding herself up, pressing her hand against the window, still moving up and down as he rubbed her clit.

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