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In the past few weeks, Melia felt like she was slowly losing the last bit of sanity she had left. Her family irritated her every time they were in her presence.

She told her mom and Darrell that Jeshon had raped her, after Durk encouraged her too because at first she didn't want too feeling like they wouldn't do anything to help her. Her suspicions were right all they did was keep him from coming to the house when they weren't there. Meaning that he was still able to harass her when they were there.

For the past two weeks Melia was face timing and keeping in touch with the gang to be sure of their plans. Everything was running smoothly, they had majority of what they needed.

"Alright! We will be back tonight around 9 or 9:30." Darrell, Tanya and Jeshon were headed out the door, on their way to some campaign dinner. It was currently 7:30 at the moment.

"Okay..bye." Melia said as she gave them a wave from the couch. She didn't really have any plans for the evening, denying her invitation to the dinner to spend time at home alone.

She stood up walking upstairs and going to her bedroom to take a shower and get comfortable to lounge around. She put on some shorts and a short cropped top before going back to the couch and chilling.

Something was telling her over and over in her head to go to Darrell's office. She really didn't feel the need too, knowing that when they checked last time they couldn't find anything.

That was until she gasped remembering Durk taught her how to hack into computers. She stood up running to his office, to her satisfaction it was accidentally left unlocked by him just before they left the house.

She walked in and left the door open, sitting at his desk. She started to do exactly what Durk had explained to her weeks ago, flawlessly getting into his computer which made her so excited.

Melia started to click through a bunch of random things, looking for hidden links to the deep web or just anything that seemed suspicious or interesting. That's when she came across a file titled "The River."

Melia clicked the file, clicking a link which took her to a creepy and bad quality video of a first person POV shot of someone in a boat floating down a river. Melia called Durk immediately, and he answered just as fast.

"Wassup Zai."

"Hey...um I have a question." She said as she put it on speaker.

"Mhm hm?" Durk sat up, he was in the middle of a nap but once he seen Melia's contact he figured it might've been something important.

"Do you know what the river is? I found it on a file in my stepdad's computer." She asked, his eyes widening as he sat up some more.

"The fuck is he doing on the river!?" Durk sounded shocked, confusing Melia more as she frowned. She looked at the screen again, the video quality tens time better.

"What is it Durk?" She asked him again.

"It's the dark net..you can order all types of illegal shit, I'm talking big shit Zai. Humans, illegal war weapons, drugs banned from the US...hitmen."

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐊𝐕Where stories live. Discover now