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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞.
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝟕:𝟑𝟎 𝐩𝐦.

"How is he liking the job? I know they are real white-washed people and seem stuck up but they mean well... I guess." A voice echoed through Tasha's phone, the friend who gave her the idea to get Day on the job in Haddonfield.

"I think he likes it, if he actually been going and just ain't been leaving the house and being in the streets." She sighed a little, kicking her feet up on the couch as she scrolled through some channels on the television before her.

"I been goin'," Von muttered as he snuck up behind his mother. Tasha jumped and gasped before she glared at him, Von laughing his ass off.

"Boy! I done told you to stop that shit Daquan!" Tasha raised her voice, yelling a little as she reached up and attempted to punch his arm but he backed up still laughing at her.

"My fault. I'm finna go though." He looked at the time, just shy of 7:45 by now.

"Where?" She sat up all the way as he headed towards the front door, pulling his hoodie over his head.

"Haddonfield." He told him, Tasha narrowed her eyes at her son as she tilted her head to the side a little.

"Why at this time of night?" She questioned, folding her arms after putting her phone on speaker.

Dayvon let out a small sigh, "Work...fuck else?" he mumbled and Tasha popped the side of his head, causing him to smack his lips.

"Girl he ain't slick he tryna see that girl!" Her friend shouted into the phone followed by a loud cackling laugh.

"What girl!?" Tasha looked at him and he rolled his eyes as he turned and opened the door, about to ignore her question.

"They got a daughter...they had two, they were twins but the other one just died not that long ago." Tasha gasped a little with a frown as she turned around, too invested in the tea to care about what he was getting into.

"Awe that's so sad how she die?" Her voice trailed off from Von as he walked out and closed the front door behind him. He made his way to his car, remembering that Melia wanted him to text her so he did before he took off.


It was around 8:30 PM, it wasn't completely dark outside but it was getting close, the sun setting ever so slowly. The knocking on the door caused a slight drop in Melia's stomach, knowing there was no way to turn back on what she had planned.

She walked up to the door, Kayla standing there with a small smirk as she played with one of her bouncy curls. Melia opened the door and let her in with a warm, welcoming smile. She cautiously looked out into the front yard before she closed and locked the front door.

"Hey girl!" Kayla gushed, leading herself into the backyard. Melia followed behind her, staying quiet and calm. Kayla was completely clueless, not noticing the butcher knife tightly wrapped in Melia's hand.

"So how do I use this? And how do I turn on those pretty sparkle lights? I really need them on so the light reflects off my bikini perfectly in my pictures." Kayla fondled with the remote control to the pool LEDs.

"Oh and I changed the date I'm gonna have it tomo-...Melia?" Kayla's voice trailed off as she turned around, only to see Melia staring at her intently.

"Hello? Melia!?" She waved her hand over her eyes before she looked down her eyes widening finally noticing the knife. Without warning Melia swung the knife, slashing Kayla across the face causing her to scream loudly as she backed up reaching for her face.

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐊𝐕Where stories live. Discover now