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"We here.." Durk said after Melia answered his call. Him, Booka and Lana standing on the porch looking into the house waiting for her to walk up to the door.

She walked up, all three of them gasping seeing her still in her white dress covered in blood, fresh blood as she just came from the basement to experiment with Kate some more. She let them in and they cautiously kept their distance, a knife still in her hand. The screams coming from the basement not helping the situation either.

"Uhh...on second thought. I'm grounded as fuckkk so I should go home." Lana cleared her throat as she backed up, the sound of gun cocking as Melia pointed it at her stopping the girl dead in her tracks.

"I will happily blow your big ass head off." Melia mumbled with her finger on the trigger. She turned back around slowly with her hands up.

"Melia what happened?" Durk asked walking up to her his hands out in a comforting way.

"I- I-.. I just got a little mad. They took him from me and I just want him back." She went back to her soft spoken self as she dropped the knife, Durk grabbing her hand, carefully grabbing the gun and putting it back on safety.

"We heard...it's okay we all gon help break him out. Right?" He looked back at Booka and Lana who both were looking off, not with the crazy shit at all, but too scared to say no.

"Yeah fasho..fasho fasho." Booka nodded and looked at Lana who was also nodding.

"Who in the basement Zai?" Durk asked her and she looked back with a little smile, still listening to her cries for help.

"Kate..she's almost dead don't worry she'll stop." She looked back at him and he nodded slowly, looking at her highly disturbed and concerned.

"Aight..um lemme know everything you got planned. After you shower and change." He said and she looked down and sighed a little.

"Okay.." She walked off going upstairs and he went to the basement door, opening it before closing it with a loud gag. Booka and Lana ran over to be nosey, both of them having the same reaction. Blood and body parts scattered all over the cold basement floor.

After a while, Melia came back downstairs where they went into the backyard, sitting by the pool.

"I want to break him out so we can leave Illinois for good.. but I don't know where to start." Melia explained to them.

"I know where to start." Durk said as he stood up and grabbed his laptop, all four of them sitting at the patio table. He pulled up a map of the city, zooming into the area of the prison.

"I can cut cameras within 25 miles of the prison, but clearly won't be enough..." He mumbled, zooming out some more.

"What if we cut the city power? It'll cut off all cameras right?" Melia asked and he shrugged.

"I'm not that advanced.. but I can try ion know if it'll work you know with generators and shit." He mumbled.

"Can you log into the prison network? And hack into their security system?" Melia asked and he looked at her for a second thinking about it.

"Yeah.. I can. I got a VPN if they check the IP address it'll say I'm working out of Russia or somewhere real far." He started to explain more in detail everyone else listening closely.

They started to plan everything out, it would take a couple weeks to get everything they would need for the heist. They planned for Lana to visit Dayvon one day and let him know their plan, preferably the day before.

"Shorty..um not to get off track but can we swim?" Lana asked after they started to just chill and talk, getting off track. When Melia called she asked for them to come over for the weekend meaning that had clothes packed to stay.

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