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𝐇𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐋
𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

"Bye Imma miss you so much." Melia hugged her dad for a whole minute.

Whenever she was in Chicago, he was able to come back home after being called in for a week. She spent the rest of the time with him, including an extra week.

Because of that, she wasn't able to spend time with Dayvon...she told him ahead of time though but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try and contact her. She intentionally ignored him this time, she never knew when she was going to see her father again due to his work so she wanted to cherish time and live in the moment.

"Imma miss you too be careful okay?" He rubbed her back before they pulled away from each other.

"I will." She smiled, Tanya watching from the front door. She walked away from her dad and waved at him before going into the house. Tanya and him made eye contact before he got in his car and drove off.

She sighed a little as she watched his car disappear from the property before she closed the door. It was around 11 that morning. Dayvon was scheduled to come in the evening when it was cooler outside.

Melia didn't know that, but she couldn't question her mother about him not being there for obvious reasons.

"Hi mommy-"

"Zaira where did you go the night your dad caught you with Dayvon?" Tanya cut her off, disregarding the hug Melia was about to give her. Melia narrowed her eyes, looking at her mother as she remained silent.

"We were just out. I lost track of time and we fell asleep in his car. My phone died.. he took me home that's it." She spoke clearly and confidently.

"You had sex with him, didn't you? Does he have you take drugs and smoke weed?" Tanya said sharply, Melia tilting her head to the side asa frown formed on her face.

"Drug- What? And No we're just friends." She acted completely clueless as she made her way towards the staircase, attempting to eject herself from the conversation.

"You don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you Zaira. What has gotten into you?"

"There is nothing going on with us. I swear it's annoying that you even think that." Melia sighed heavily, throwing her bags down on the floor of her room. She walked into her closet to change into a more comfortable outfit, Tanya walking into the room seconds after.

"You swear about a lot things, yet I keep catching you in lies." Tanya watched her pull her shirt off, her eyes landing on some bruises on her stomach.

"What happened?" She walked over pressing her hand against the sore bruise, Melia winced a little as she quickly pulled her hoodie over her head.

"Nothing I fell." She mumbled and grabbed some shorts going into the bathroom, she felt a sharp, excruciating pain in her lower abdomen out of no where and grabbed it with a groan. She proceeded to change into the shorts, Tanya noticing more bruises.

"Zaira Melia Carter where are those bruises from?" She snatched her arm, Melia looking anywhere but her face.

"I fell..did I not just say that?" She rolled her eyes trying to pull away.

"Did you fall off a god damn high rise? What fall does this..and this!?" She pointed at her inner thigh and stomach. Melia shrugged as Tanya let her go, the doorbell ringing catching her attention.

"I'm on to you. Melia you can't keep hiding things from me, bet not catch nothing from that boy tryna run around and have sex."

"Why are you assuming that of all things? Why are you so invested in my sex life?! I literally haven't been touched." Melia argued, losing her cool and raising her voice at her mother. Right after she said her sentence she felt another sharp pain and winced a little.

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