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"You eva been high Zaira?" Dayvon looked over at Melia who was laid in his bed, curled up in his covers. She was shaking a little cold, from the ceiling fan and the ac being on full blast.

"Fuck you shakin like a crackhead for?" Dayvon narrowed his eyes as he pulled at her shoulder. She chuckled a little and sat up still covering herself.

"We just got out the shower, you won't give me a shirt to sleep in and the ac on 10.." She frowned and so did he as he touched her bottom lip.

"I like it cold..and I like it when you sleep naked, yo skin so fucking soft it's like a blanket." He grabbed her face in his hand kissing her lips as he slid his comforter away from her body.

"Von I'm cold.." She whined pulling it back over her. He pulled his t shirt over his head and gave it to her with a deep frown as she smiled big.

"You takin it off when we go to sleep." He mumbled as he dug in his nightstand drawer, grabbing a ziploc bag of pills.

"Take dis." He handed her two of the white pills and she looked at them, quite confused.

"What is this?" She asked watching him take three to his mouth and swallowing them dry.

"Just take em." He muttered as he shot her a glance. She was hesitant but took them anyways, swallowing them dry just because she seen him do it.

"It's percs." He said after he seen her swallow her jaw dropping. He laughed at her, and looked down at her legs, bruises up and down them.

"Awe..mama what happened?" He smirked, pointing at one, knowing he was the reason and she rolled her eyes, mushing his head as he laughed some more. After about 20-30 minutes they were both high, but Melia was more chill and quiet while Dayvon was more active and talkative.

She was quiet while he rambled on about any and everything for about two hours, her focus on her phone screen as she watched "#realityhigh" on Netflix. Dayvon glanced over watching the movie with her for a few minutes before he started to get touchy again.

"Zai..Zai..Zai." Dayvon mumbled as he poked at her cheek each time he said her name. She looked over at him with a frown, his finger hitting her lip that time.

"You so pretty." He smiled touching her chin.

"Thank you." She smiled laying her head against his shoulder. He looked down at her, admiring her beauty for real, he just couldn't come across why he felt the need to love and kill her all at once.

She was his type in so many ways, which led him to have a hard time determining his intentions with her.

"I wanna kill you so badly." He mumbled quietly to himself. Melia didn't hear it, slowly dozing off as her arm rested around him. She started to snore softly catching his attention as it pulled him out of his thoughts.

"Wake the fuck up." He grabbed her hair pulling her head off his shoulder, very randomly and unexpectedly, getting extremely angry about the whole situation of her ignoring him for two weeks.

"Dayvon I'm sleepy!" She groaned as she turned to lay down, his hand grabbing onto her a little more aggressively than normal.

"No wake the fuck up!" He got loud, Melia jumping a little as she looked at him. She frowned deeply pulling her knees into her chest.

"Who the fuck do you think you are Zaira?" He turned his full body towards Melia, a genuine upset and confused look on her face. She scooted away a little as he stood up.

"What did I do? I'm sorry.." She said softly avoiding his eye contact.

"You think you can ignore me a second time and imma let you slide?" He asked, his eyes burning into her soul. She didn't reply, she didn't know why, but she was genuinely terrified in the moment.

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐊𝐕Where stories live. Discover now