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𝟒:𝟓𝟔 𝐩𝐦
𝐇𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝, 𝐈𝐋

"Melia just..."

"No..shut up and slow down. No speed up!" Melia had her eyes tightly closed, her hands over her face as she curled up in Dayvon's backseat.

He sighed heavily, they were barely getting started to drive on the back road, it was a whole hassle getting her in the car alone. He sped up a bit, looking back at her through the rearview every few seconds.

"You good mama?" He asked as he glanced back once again and she shook her head, a little chuckle coming from him until he seen her physically trembling in fear.

"Melia, you good it's okay." He looked back ahead for a second before looking at her once more. He slowed down, which freaked her out some more.

"What are you doing!? Speed up!" She cried a little, tears streaming from her tightly closed eyes. He clenched his jaw and kept the same speed all the way until he reached where Talia's memorial was at.

Dayvon thought about it for a quick second before he ultimately came to a stop. Melia gasped, and started to cry harder which made him get out the car quickly and get in the backseat with her.

"Melia." He reached out to grab her but she kicked him back out of instinct.

"Von just drive! I- I- I wanna go home!" She screamed, refusing to move her hands from her eyes. He went in again, successfully grabbing her and pulling her into his body.

"You okay, it's okay I got you." He spoke in a gentle tone as he hugged her tightly.

"I wanna go home...please." She whined softly, her body still lightly shaking in his arms.

"You can do this mama I know you can. Just look." He grabbed her hands, it made his stomach drop a little how bad she was shaking he was starting to feel bad for stopping.

He started to pull them away from her face but she was still crying and fighting to keep them up.

Dayvon looked around and outside his windows, the sun shining brightly, and trees lightly flowing in the breeze of the cool wind. It was honestly a breathtaking sight with the glistening water of the lake. Who knew such a beautiful scene could be someone's nightmare.

"Von please I don't want too." Melia whimpered, her tears streaming down her cheeks as he finally pulled them away.

"Look, Melia just look once it's okay." He ran his thumb over her cheek wiping away her tears, hoping she would just open her eyes or calm down for him.

"No.." She spoke softly, she seemed to be a little calmer her trembling coming to a stop. He continued to wipe her tears before he pulled her onto his lap.

"The only way you can get over this is to just look and let go Melia." He mumbles as she hugged around his neck, still crying quietly, her eyes starting to hurt.

"No." She whined and he sighed a little, rubbing her back in a comforting way.

"Zaira." He lifted her head from his shoulder, his eyes focused on the pout she had.

"Open your eyes." He touched her chin before he gave her a kiss. He pulled her in for a hug again, just holding her for a while until she was able to find peace and calm down.

"What would Talia do Zaira?" He asked quietly, it was about 30 minutes later, she was still in his lap with her eyes closed.

She thought about it, Talia was always the braver one. Even if she didn't like something or had a bit of fear, she would always go through with it just to prove herself.

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐊𝐕Where stories live. Discover now