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"Yes, I just made it home and his car is here. Yes his car Darrell who the hell else!?" Tanya was on the front porch, frantic after she called him. It was around 1:30 PM now, Dayvon and Melia still fast asleep in her bedroom upstairs.

"Okay, go in and see if Melia is home. Don't shout just sneak and check her room if you see him or her don't say anything just tell me and I'll notify them." Darrell told her. She agreed and cautiously opened the front door, taking her heels off and sitting them by the door before she ascended upstairs.

She tiptoed through the hallway all the way down to Melia's bedroom and slowly opened the door. Her eyes widened finding them asleep and closed the door quietly as she backed away.

"He's here." She said quietly before she went downstairs. She talked to her husband for a little while longer before he hung up the call and made a call to Chicago PD who was waiting for the go signal.

After about 15 minutes, Tanya noticed them pulling up and at the same time Melia and Von were waking up.

"Fuck what time is it?" Melia sat up with Von, back in the same position with her in his lap. He grabbed her phone and checked it to be 1:47 in the afternoon.

"We gotta go before my mom gets h-" Melia paused the sounds of sirens and tires screeching on the rocky pavement of their driveway catching her attention.

"Ain't no way..ain't no fucking way." Von carefully removed her from his lap and rushed to the window looking out.

"No no no...Fuck..Fuck! Zai I'm done for..." He ran his hands through his dreads as she ran over to see what he was looking at. Her heart dropped and she looked back at her door opening, Tanya standing on the other side of the threshold.

"Zaira get over here. Now." She looked at her, her voice calm, multiple footsteps rushing up the stairs. Melia shook her head and hugged Von's torso tightly feeling herself about to cry.

"That's him." Tanya pointed at him before folding her arms, Von looking at her extremely pissed off.

"This fucked up I ain't do shit!" He yelled angrily, his arm around Melia both of them refusing to let go of the other.

"Hands up now!" One officer yelled pointing his gun at him, Melia trembling against Von which pissed him off because everything was obviously scaring her and Tanya thought it was helping her.

"You think you helping ha? This shit is fucking scaring her!" He yelled what he was thinking.

"You are messing with her head and manipulating her! you're a crimina! Did you think we wouldn't find out about all the shit you've done?!" She shouted, getting impatient with the law enforcement because they were being hesitant to arrest him.

"No he's not!" Melia yelled, tears filling her eyes. The officers didn't want to shoot or tase him, scared to hit Melia in the process, they sat there and debated yelling back and forth for nearly an hour before Tanya forced them to tase them. Knowing that it was the only way to get them off of each other.

The officer did and Melia screamed a little at the new pain, falling to the ground the same as Von. They ran snatching him, handling him aggressively even though he wasn't resisting arrest.

"Making sure your bitch ass won't get out of this one." One of the officers familiar with him laughed as they stood him.

"You know I will and imma kill you when I do." Von clenched his jaw, looking him right in the eyes.

"Threatening an officer now? Another charge." The officer struggled to get him to walk shoving him forward.

"Not a threat it's a fucking promise bitch ass nigga." Von grumbled, taking steps forward as another officer helped push him. Tanya ran over to Melia pulling her up but Melia shoved her away trying to run to Von as they took him out.

"Get off! Let go of me!" She screamed loudly as Tanya held her back. Von looked back at her one last time until they turned the corner and took him downstairs.

Tanya let her go once she knew they drove off completely and Melia broke down into tears.

"No.." Her voice broke badly, extremely upset and in pain that they took him away from her. Tanya got in front of her holding her face, and wiping her tears.

"It's your fault..he didn't do anything wrong." Melia continued to cry, her heart truly broken knowing that her parents were going to do everything to keep him locked up.

"Zaira look what he's doing to you! Look! Look at your body, look at you.. he's manipulating and brainwashing you baby." Tanya held her arms up, showing Melia the bruises he did in fact put on her but Tanya didn't know that.

"No..you don't know what you're talking about!" Melia whined, at the same, unintentionally curling up in her mother's arms just for a feeling of comfort.

"Baby yes I do, we're just trying to help you. We are going to get you some help okay. We just want the old you back." She hugged her tightly, rubbing her arm and letting her cry her very little heart out.

Eventually she cried herself to sleep, truly exhausted from the recent events. The rest of the day Melia stayed in her bedroom, refusing to talk to anyone.

It wasn't fair to her at all, in her eyes he did no wrong, he was all she had, the only one who truly understood her. She knew Tanya and Darrell planned to have him locked up for good.

It was all they talked about the days following his arrest. They truly believed he was the reason for Melia's odd and sudden change of behavior. If only they knew, if only doctors would have taken Melia's brain scans more seriously after the twins's attack.

She would've gotten proper medication and treatments for her brain injuries, she probably wouldn't be murdering unsuspecting people with someone like Dayvon.

In the days following, they kept close eyes on her, refusing to let her out of someone's sight, fearing that she was suicidal or would try to make a run for it again. Every time she made an attempt to run off they would have to sedate her and keep her in her bedroom, despite her being small she was hard to fight off, Darrell even struggling with her a few times.

They really did want the old Melia back, but as time passed and all of them ignorant to her conditions, she wasn't coming back at all. At least soon. She was gone, barely a sliver of her was truly left.

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