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"Is it a jealousy thing? That's why you don't like me?" Lana questioned Melia from across the room as she sat on the bed. The three had went to Von's house, he was bored and invited Durk and Booka to play the game with him and Lana.

"We like cousins and I like pussy..so we not on some Alabama shit if you think dat." She shrugged, licking her lips as Melia continued to glare at her quietly.

"Or you want me? You gay? Hm?" She smirked and Melia rolled her eyes, Von and the boys footsteps coming up the hallway.

"What's wrong?" Dayvon walked over to Melia, who was still sitting there with a deep frown. She looked up at him and shrugged before looking off.

"Hey Melia." Durk waved at her and so did Booka. She smiled and waved at them, Lana's jaw dropping.

"You like them but you don't like me?" She scrunched her nose as she shot the two a look.

"She aight..swear up and down she a nigga though. Y'all prolly got off on the wrong foot." Durk shrugged and Melia sighed a little. Lana nodded as she walked over to the bed, sitting down beside Von and Melia.

Von wrapped his arm around Melia, pulling her into his body as he kissed on her ear repeatedly. Lana fake gagged as she scooted away.

"Is that your favorite spot to kiss me or what?" She mumbled looking at him with a little smile as he smirked.

"Nah it's.." He whispered the rest in her ear and she looked at him, a sly smile on her face as she looked him up and down.

"Get out my crib." Durk caught their looks to one another and clenched his jaw.

"Shit youn gotta tell me twice. Get the fuck up." Dayvon stood up and grabbed Melia's arm yanking her off the bed.

"Nah nah hollon hollon. She can't leave till she say we friends." Lana grabbed her other arm. Melia snatched her hand away from her, Von looking at Lana like she was crazy.

"I meant it when I said, watch yo hands Lana." Von says in a monotone and deadpan voice. She rolled her eyes waving him off.

"And why the fuck youn like her?" He looked down at Melia. She looked up at him and shrugged a little, irritating him and Lana.

"Zaira. How many times I gotta tell you to use yo fucking words?" His tone was more aggressive and demanding as he glared into her eyes.

Melia didn't get the chance to reply, her mouth getting ready to speak before he snatched her up in front of all of them, catching her off guard in a negative way.

The room got quiet, all three of them knowing this was how he treated all of his past relationships. But she was younger, his others were always his age or a year or two older. They knew she was more vulnerable in so many ways than the rest.

Booka and Durk had commentary and jokes on how they treated females but they never actually did it, but Von was different anything he said he would do, he did. Taking full control of a relationship and being in charge was one of them. He loved having power over everyone and everything, a lot of people feared him because of his reputation.

"I'm sorry..." Her stomach dropped slightly, a genuinely sad look on her face. She stepped back from him and walked out the room, the house completely and walked down the sidewalk, before turning the corner and going home.

"Damn..Von not on some fake shit but sometimes you handle yo girls too-"

"Shut the fuck up." He muttered, cutting Lana off as she was about to scold him. He stood up from the bed and walked out the room but stopped dead in his tracks after hearing Durk say something.

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