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𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐠𝐨, 𝐈𝐋
𝟏𝟏:𝟑𝟎 𝐀𝐌

Melia's eyes fluttered open as she woke up, her head resting on Dayvon's chest. She could hear his heart beat as she laid there for a few more minutes before she sat up and looked at their surroundings.

She noticed they were parked in the back of that same Walmart from earlier. Melia grabbed her phone to check the time but only realized that it was dead so she grabbed Dayvon's reading that it was nearing 12 in the afternoon.

A soft groan came from Von as he pulled her back down on top of him after the empty feeling on his chest caught his attention.

"Wake up.. I have to go home..and you're late for work. Like my mom is going to kill you." She grabbed one his dreads twirling it around her finger.

"Imma kill her." He mumbled as his eyes opened and looked into hers.

"I like this. Waking up to seeing you." He reached up and ran his fingers lightly over her lips. She smiled as she adjusted herself on his lap.

"Von are you-..." She did it again, feeling him hard under her as he laughed a little. She smiled as she leaned her hips forward some doing it again to feel it against her clit through her shorts.

"Don't start." He stale faced her and grabbed her waist pulling her off of his lap. She groaned a little as she sat in the passenger seat putting her seatbelt on.

He sat up and started the car making his way to her dad's house.

"Ion think ya pops like me." He mumbled as he glanced over at her. Melia looked at him and laughed a little with a shrug.

"Fuck dat mean?" He frowned deeply as he turned into the neighborhood. She shrugged staying quiet as she watched him park outside her dad's house.

"Bye-" Melia smiled big as she reached for the door handle, but froze once she heard him lock it.

"Sit the fuck back." He reached across shoving her back into the seat. She frowned looking over at him confused.

"Von I didn't mean anything bad by it.." She spoke softly as her frown deepened.

"You need to use yo fucking words then." He glared at her and she continued to look at him, a slightly upset look on her face.

Melia rolled her eyes and unlocked the door herself before she opened it. He grabbed her wrist and she looked back at him pulling away from him until he tightened his grip causing a slight pain.

"Let go what the fuck.." She frowned, her head turning as she heard the front door opening he let go clenching his jaw slightly.

"Where the hell did you go?" Marcus walked over, his voice booming with anger as she quickly got out, not even knowing how to begin to explaining herself.

"What the hell did I tell you yesterday? Stay the fuck away from her I mean it." He shot Von a look, Melia looking at him too as he kept his eyes on her, not even acknowledging Marcus.

"Aight." He mumbled and she closed the door before he drove off. She walked away from her dad before he could say anything to her. Melia went into the house, and he stormed in after her.

"Zaira Melia get in here now!" He shouted from the living room and she slowly walked in.

"I been calling you since 6 in the fucking morning." He walked over to her his voice still loud and full of anger.

"I know..I'm sorry my phone died." She said quietly, looking anywhere but his eyes.

"Zaira. Stop hanging around that boy. He has problems, real fucking problems." He pointed in her face and she nodded as she stayed silent.

𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 | 𝐊𝐕Where stories live. Discover now