The sun is shining
The birds are singing
The flowers are blooming
The temperature is increasingThe snow is melting
It's getting hotter
No shit
It's obvious as fuckBut I wish it was raining
Or snowing
Cause I fucking hate summerThe insects
Crawling on me
All at once
Help!I can't get these images
Out of my head
One after one
They keep showing upAll I see is black and yellow
It's triggering
My experiences with bees
Bumblebees and waspsAre not good
I want them all gone
Grasshoppers and mosquitoes
Especially butterfliesTrigger something in me
That I never want to
Remember again
But keeps haunting meOver and over again
Maybe it's I
Who shall not
Exist?- Mel Rose
Poems by Mel
PoezjaOnly poems: Love, thoughts, sadness, struggles, family, friendship, shit and eventually more feelings. Hope you like them ♥️