"Fear Is For Everyone Draco"

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Draco was waiting in front of Honeydukes for his friends. Harry was the only true friend since he had saved Draco's life during that terrible incident in the library and he lost Goyle to that moron's own mistake.

"You know it's not nice to just stand there and stare, Malfoy.." Harry's voice was behind him and Draco spun instantly and hugged Harry tightly "it has been forever, Pottah!" He laughed and the rest of his classmates stood there smiling "Weasleys.."
"Malfoy.. where's Astoria?" Hermione asked and Draco shook his head "She's safe.. come let's get some butter beer and talk.. quickly." He looked around and the others followed him into the Hogshead bar where they were alone.

"So.. tell me everything." Draco said and Harry sighed sitting down with him and had WANTED posters of the Dark Lord's men.
"You know most of them right?" Harry asked and Draco looked at all that were there. "I know all of them.. sad part is, 3 of them were in Askaban months ago.. what happened?" Draco asked and Ron slammed his mug down "three of them escaped. Every Auror has been trying to track down  some of them for now.." Ron wasn't drunk, he was tired of those late nights and he came home wiped out from the raids and attacks on the Ministry.
"And you think I'm the one who set them free?" Draco hissed and Harry stopped him "no.. but we have an idea of who did." He sighed and looked at Ron with a glare telling him to calm down or they were wasting Draco's time when he could be with his family, especially when Astoria had their newborn son.
"I have an idea of who at least.. wheres Pansy?" Harry asked and Ron sighed looking at them both . "Pansy Parkinson has been at Azkaban doing the best she can to keep the madness limited. You don't think she's in trouble?" He looked at everyone but they had that serious face and Draco sighed "she's been in Azkaban doing her job working with the guards? She promised after the battle at school, that she wouldn't go that path.. not after what I've done to Dumbledore." He bit his lip and Harry leaned back taking a huge swig of his butter beer. "What happened sucked but you do know there are ways to make up for it." He smiled and took Draco's hand which made Draco lightly blush across his face but smile and nod. He took the posters and looked at them again "few of them have been traveling around the world finding more recruits. Sadly I can't give you the exact location of hideouts but I can give you the city or town they're in. You're on your own with the other stuff."
Ron raised a brow and sat up "you're not going with us?" He asked and Draco smirked "Who said I'm not? I need to check on my wife and little one first. Potter, you and I will go to Hogwarts and check things there second. Weasley fam, we'll meet at the pub in London.. Hagrid is going to meet us there."
"I'm surprised that man can live forever!" A female voice was heard and walked into the bar flicking Harry's ear "rude of you to not invite me along" Ginny kissed his cheek and giggled. "George was wanting to come too, but I told him no for now." She giggled and put her arms around Harry's shoulders from behind. "It's good to see you Malfoy, how's the wife?" She asked being genuine about family.
"She's good, safe from this madness. Speaking of.." he pulled a map out of his jacket and handed it to Harry. "There are 6 hideouts I know of. If I am to snitch on my people? I cannot tell you where all of the members are. They are spread but the two groups you're looking for here and.. here.." he circled two locations on the map.
"They're recruiting from Azkaban? I thought they had Dementors." Hermione asked and Draco nodded "Dark Lord has money even when he's gone. Death Eaters got paid tons and they're using it wisely for their recruitment. Sad part is, even if we put these few groups away, there's still more to come. Consider us lucky that the two groups for now are in London.." he sighed and shook his head, finishing off his butter beer.

"We better get started.. but for now, you and I need to talk alone." Harry said smirking up at Draco knowing they had a love-hate classmate secret.
Draco smirked and nodded but as Ginny got up and walked away, he kissed Harry's hand. "It's good to finally see you again, Pottah.." he chuckled using that snarky but pretend boy Draco tone he had as a student.

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