"Who Is Isadora?" Pt2

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Albus and Harry sat in the library looking up history on this one witch.. Isadora Morganach.
She was one of those now considered dark witches who took the pain from her father when her brother died of the sickness where in the end it killed him. She was looking for a way to take that pain and harness its magic to turn into something more powerful. It became dangerous for even the students where Isadora in the end was killed by her fellow professors.
But why was Harry having these visions?
This didn't make sense. Sure the crystals line up with their spirits but why wasn't there the fourth which could have been Isadora's soul?
Albums coughed and groaned holding his head as he closed the history books rubbing his eyes and yawned.
"Anything on Isadora?" Harry asked and Albus shook his head "rumors have spread about her story before hit that was decades ago. Why are we having visions of her when she was killed basically for using something so dark? I mean I can understand why, but to kill someone who was in pain mentally all together.. it's a bit odd to me."
Harry nodded and stood up, taking the book on front of albus and out it back on the shelf. He stretched his back and looked at the clock over the front desk. "That time already? We should head to the Common room. I'll get something for us from the Great Hall to eat since we just need to relax.. deal?" He asked and Albus nodded.
He hissed and summoned Pandora who came out of the shelves and onto his shoulders.
"I still find it amazing how a snake can find her master so quickly." Harry chuckled as the three of them left. Albus raised a brow and used magic to put all of the books back.

A while later Harry was in the library again and raised a brow as he heard a voice. He walked over the gate which lead to the Restricted Section. He bit his lip and opened the gate. He walked through and down these stairs which lead to a room that could easily hide any dark magic.
Harry walked down a few good thirty steps before he came to a section of books. He raised a brow and picked up a couple sitting on the second to last step.
Harry was reading a good amount when he came upon a dark book with the Ancient Magic symbol.

Harry was reading a good amount when he came upon a dark book with the Ancient Magic symbol

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"This is not possible.. I can see Ancient Magic too?" He sighed and out his hand on the symbol and the book flashed open.
It was like on second year when he found Tom Riddle's diary and he had been sucked into the book to learn the past. He shook his head and looked around but knew he was alone. Better safe than be sorry if you want your own son finding this kind of thing.
Harry bit his lip and flipped page by page looking as if he was going to find the answer to these visions but all he found was pictures of the past.. Isadora's past.
Why was this hidden? Why was Isadora suddenly evil after she lost her brother and took her fathers pain? This pain was not hers to take to begin with. How did his pain become so dark?
So many questions where even this book didn't have all the answers of the past.

Harry held the book to his chest and walked out of the hall and back to the Slytherin common room where Albus looked up and raised a brow
Harry put a finger to his lips and told Albus to join him in the bedroom.
They both walked into the bedroom and Harry put the book into the chest where he locked it.
"Tell no one for now, I'll explain later." Harry said and Albus nodded "It has the symbol doesn't it? Where'd you find it?" He asked and Harry shook his head "I'll show you later but for now, let's go get something to eat, yeah?" Albus nodded in agreement and they both walked down to the Great Hall to eat with the others.

"POTTERS! Over here!" Draco called out and they both joined the Malfoys.
"Where the bloody hell have you been mate? Ginny was getting worried." Ron said and Ginny rolled her eyes "Ron was worried about you hon. Did you find what you needed in the library?" She asked and Harry shrugged "we found some things but there's not a whole lot of history on this Isadora.."

"Isadora Morganach?" A student looked back from the Hufflepuff table and Harry looked back "you know her story?" He asked and she nodded but shrugged "she was a professor back then.. dark story of using dark magic, removing pain from her students.. it was a risk where she was killed by the three other professors. Professor Charles Rookwood, San Bakar and Niamh Fitzgerald. There's a rumor that they had a map room below Hogwarts and they had trials for anyone who could see this kind of.. ancient magic I guess? I mean it's never been found so I'm assuming someone back then found the room and passed. That's why it's closed, no one else can get through." She shrugged and Harry slid over a few coins. "Treat yourself to honeydukes, my treat."
She nodded saying thank you and went back to her meal.
Ginny sighed and Harry looked over. "If these trials are finished, maybe there is a way to find this map room again since we did go down there once.. They may still be there." Harry said and Draco shook his head "the last time you and I went down there, there were empty photo frames. You really think they'll be there this time?"
Harry shrugged "it's worth a shot. Plus photo frame has people who always return in case they're needed, we may get lucky this time."
Draco looked at Ginny who nodded giving him permission to go with.
"Alright.. we'll go when things settle down. We'll go when the sun is set and everyone is in their common rooms. I may be able to convince Filch to give us the key this time." He rolled his eyes.

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