MudBlood Strength.

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Harry was on the couch in the living room of the Weasley farm, working on a paper to send to the DAILY PROPHET.
The crystals were on a chain around his neck as he leased back to take a break.He yawned and closed his eyes for the moment to see a flash of three wizards in an old house talking about the risks of mud blood witches and wizards finding and abusing the crystal power.
"Harry? It's time to eat." Ginny's voice woke him up and he sat up, looking back. "Coming love.. have you seen the boys?" He asked and Ginny looked outside
"BOYS! Time for lunch!" She called out and the boys had ran inside to wash up.
It was summer vacation so the school was basically closed down unless they needed to be there.
The boys ran in and Albus sat his ring down on the counter so he could wash his hands which made Ginny turn her head "What's this?" She picked up the ring and Albus blushed.
"Scorpius got me a p..promise ring for our second year together." He giggled and Ginny smiles handing it back to him. " it's gorgeous, nice pick, Scorpius."
Scorpius looked over and smiled. " it was my grandmother's ring when grandfather was younger." He chuckled and kissed Albus' cheek as they sat down to eat.
Harry put the chain around his neck into his shirt and walked over
"Are you boys heading to the zoo with the Weasley's later?" He asked and Albus nodded "Rose has wanted to see what snakes were in now since Pandora isn't there anymore."
Scorpius rolled his eyes. " She's been crushing on one of our Slytherin classmates, to be honest. Of course, she wouldn't tell you that." he laughed which made Albus pout.
" What? Is she jealous that I have a snake? Speaking of Pandora.. Father, have you heard from her?" He asked and Harry looked up nodding his head "She's with Draco in Azkaban talking to one one of our old ... friends." He smirked softly and Ginny raised a brow knowing that Draco was probably torturing one of the Death Eaters with Pandora's snake venom and her bite to get any information.
Albus nodded and bit his lip staying close to Scorpius who chuckled and kissed his cheek.
"You do know the O.W.L.s are coming up in a week.. you boys prepared?" Ginny asked and Scorpius nodded but Albus groaned.
"You have studied hard this term Albus, you'll do great." Harry said smiling and took a bite of his lunch. Albus nodded "I know, but all this chaos is just keeping my mind awake at night."
Harry looked up. "Any new visions or nightmares?" He asked and Albus shook his head "Nothing we should worry about. The dark lord visions have been coming time to time but it's nothing I can't handle." He smiled half heartedly but knew there was a lot.
"Albus.. you do know I have your crystal yes? You shouldn't be having any kind of nightmares. If you have a vision though, you need to come to us." Harry said and Albus nodded "Yes, Father.. who's Sirius Black?" He asked and Harry choked a bit on his tea, but caught himself.
"He's my godfather who took me in basically after your grandparents were killed. Why?" He asked and Albus pulled out one of the feathers that Harry had when Sirius sent him the broom.
"One of the Gryffindor students said he found it in the dresser next to your old bed. Who does it belong to?" He asked and Harry laughed and put the feather next to his cheek. "It's still warm.." he smiled and bit his lip. "This feather belonged to a hippogriff who saved my life from an old friend who was a werewolf... ACCIO photo album!" he summoned the photo album and opened it to the page where Hagrid had taken a photo of him with Buckbeak the hippogriff when they first met.

 ACCIO photo album!" he summoned the photo album and opened it to the page where Hagrid had taken a photo of him with Buckbeak the hippogriff when they first met

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