The Dark Lord Of Nightmares

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"He can't be alive.. I killed him fair and square and cracked the wand in half where he shouldn't have returned.."
Harry was in the bathroom looking at himself in the bathroom mirror in front of the sink. He had fear in his eyes but knew deep down the old man was dead.. or was he?
Was it just an hallucination because of what he'd seen? Was it a nightmare come back to life but there was nothing he could do this time?
What did the voice mean when he said he was going to kill his wife and kids? Albus was safe and his kids were in a safe house away from all of this for now with Buckbeak in case they needed a quick getaway on his back.

"Harry? You okay?" Draco's voice came from the other side of the bathroom door.
"Y..yeah I'm fine, just tired. I'll be out in a second." He bit his lip and washed his face one more time and walked out rubbing the back of his neck with a towel.
Draco walked over and took Harry's hands "You're freezing.. and shaking. Come, I ordered room service so we can eat in tonight." He smiled and pulled Harry to the bed where Harry pulled back for a second.
"Are you sure she's safe?" Harry asked and Draco raised a brow "You mean Astoria? Yeah she's fine. She sent me an owl when we got back here. She and the little one are safe.." he smiled and kissed his hands, sitting on the bed patting next to him.
"Have you heard from Ginny or Ron?" He asked and Harry shook his head "knowing Ron, they probably went to bed after they ate. Haven't heard from Ginny though, it worries me." He sighed and Draco hugged him tightly. "I'm sure she's fine. She's in London still so if she was in trouble, she would let you know somehow." He smiled and Harry nodded still worried for his wife and kids.

The door was knocked at and Harry got up.
"Wait.." Draco tossed him a polyjuice potion of Lucius Malfoy who the Death Eaters were slowly gaining respect again for.
Harry coughed after he took the potion and flinched at how bad  the cologne was that man wore.
He rolled his eyes and opened the door.
"Mr. Malfoy, you're food is here." The room keeper said smiling and Draco walked up smiling handing her the tip. As she pulled away Draco could see the dark mark on her wrist and as she pulled away, she smirked at Draco
"Thank you.." he said and closed the door taking the food to the small dining table.
"We are definitely not staying till morning.." Harry chuckled and Draco nodded
"Let's eat and we'll head out when the hotel closes down the bar." He sighed and sat down taking a couple of fries from the tray.
"We have a location on the Weasleys right? We'll meet them?" Draco asked and Harry nodded. "San Francisco isn't as big of a city but it's enough to have all four of us in two bedrooms connected." Draco bit his lip and chuckled.

"Does.. does Ron know about us? I know you and Ginny agreed to keep your marriage open, but does her dork of a brother know?" Draco asked and Harry coughed and chuckled "Not really. It's going to come off a bit odd for him so we'd close the middle door of course." He blushed and Draco rolled his eyes as they ate.

A few hours later after everything had calmed down, Harry looked out the window and saw black clouds move in the sky. "Drake.. Draco!" He yelled, but to wake Draco up who was rolled into bed
"Huh? What? I'm awake! Promise!" Draco groaned and rubbed his eyes.
"It's time.. I already sent the owl saying we're joining them." Harry grabbed his Floo powder and looked around. "No fire places.."
Draco laughed and shook his head
"You don't need a fire place to do a transport silly. You just throw it down and say your wanted location." Draco smiled and took a handful.

"Cliff Royal!" Draco threw down the ash and he landed right in front of Ron almost falling ontop of him in the room.
"Woah easy!" Ron chuckled and grabbed draco as Harry landed in front of him with their bags
"Sorry!" Harry almost fell but grabbed onto the bed.
Hermione walked over and helped them into the connected room and helped them unpack.
"Soo.. what happened?" Ron asked and Draco sat on the chair in front of the table "Werewolves.. we got lucky they didn't find anything yet. Oddly we turned Harry into my father so they would walk away.."
Ron rolled his eyes. "Werewolves are smart, you really think they fell for it?" He asked and Draco hissed
"Enough! Both of you. they took the hint and walked away for now, will they keep hunting?" Hermione asked.
"Absolutely. So we need to keep moving until we can get to Astoria in the mountains ." Harry said and Hermione looked over
"Albus sent the pensive?" She asked and Harry nodded "why? Did you get one too?"
Hermione said nothing and sat on the bed biting her lip tears down her face.
Ron sighed and handed Harry the letter they got, Harry read out loud.
"Uncle Ron we have a problem. They're not just after us.. they're after dad. And I don't know what he's done to piss them off. I don't even know where dad is. Mum is looking into it but we don't know his location."

"Have you looked at the Hogwarts map? Maybe he's there with Molly since she's the headmaster and she has the castle protected by the spell." Draco asked and Ron nodded "He's not there. Or he's using the Room of Requirement" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck knowing the last time they were in that room, the place was caught on fire by Draco's friend Crabbe and they almost died saving Draco and Blaise Zabini.

"There's something else.." Harry spoke up and sighed biting his lip rubbing his scar on his head.
"You heard his voice again.." Hermione spoke and Harry nodded. "I don't know how, he's dead and I made sure he was gone for good with Neville after you guys left for the station." He sighed and sat on the bed
"It can't be true right? He's not back.." Ron asked and Draco growled "Absolutely not! He was murdered! We all watched that fight! The wand is broken right? There's not point of coming back.. yes it's a revenge but even then. A dead person can't come back unless the body is a corpse and he turns into an Inferi which isn't possible because he turned into ash and faded into the air." Draco hissed at the idea and Harry hugged him from behind "Easy draco.. let's get some food then have some rest yeah?" He kissed his cheek and smiled. Draco nodded and sighed calming down.
Hermione giggled and bit her lip knowing Ron was eating and not paying attention.
Ron rolled his eyes. "If you're going to cheat on my sister, at least close the door." He chuckled which made Draco raise a brow, but not question it.
"Anyways. Buffet is downstairs past the bar. Bar is 24/7 so please take your time if you need to relax and get a little bit buzzed. We won't stay here long after noon tomorrow so don't stay up too late." Hermione said and the all three boys walked down to the bar and buffet to eat and relax.

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