The Dark Future

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Harry hated the idea of any dark magic. Yes he used it to fight Voldemort but he hoped Albus would never go down that path.
Albus was not one of those good noodle students where he always bent the rules so he could get by.
He had a dark magic book where he would lay in bed and read till morning, sometimes even missed breakfast since he stayed up at night while the other students went to bed.
Albus was reading the dark magic book and bit his lip smirking to himself knowing that Vincent and Fenrir were still out there.

Draco didn't kill Vincent, just put him in a place where he was warned to not mess with the Potters and his own family. this wasn't a warning either , Death would come Vincent's way.
Draco knocked on the common room door and Albus hid the book instantly
"Come in.." he said and Draco raised a brow. "You should come eat, your father is waiting for you." Draco said smiling and Albus shook his head
"Not hungry.."
Draco sighed and sat with him on the bed and pulled the book from under the pillow.
" how did you know?" Albus was nervous when he saw the book in Draco's hands.
"You may be a Slytherin, but I've had that same look on my face when it comes to studying dark magic" he chuckled and Albus sighed "don't tell father okay? I won't use it unless I need to. I know your friend Vincent is still out there and knowing Fenrir, he's not so dead huh?"
Draco signed and shook his head handing Albus the book.
"Make me a promise. If you have to kill someone, make sure that person is alone without anyone around them. That way you don't hurt anyone else." Draco said and Albus nodded
"Can a dark spell go wrong?" He asked and Draco nodded "Any dark unforgivable curse you use, you must mean it with your heart. If you don't take it seriously, it can slap you in the face and you'd be only hurting yourself and possibly dead."
Albus gulped and looked at the book.
"Azkaban... whats it like?" He asked and Draco shrugged  "Imagine this room, but with spiders and darkness everywhere.. no sun whatsoever and there's a slim chance you get any food. At least that's what my father told me after Voldemort helped him escape years ago."  He shivered at the thought and looked at the book placing his hand on Albus'. "Best thing you can do for yourself.. don't kill anyone. Hurt them and make them fear you, but don't kill or use any dark magic."
Draco was right, Harry would never forgive Albus for using the Unforgivable Curses on anyone. Harry did use a defensive spell when Voldemort was trying to kill him during the battle.

Draco smiled and removed his hand and Albus put the book under his pillow looking up at him getting up and slid on his Slytherin cloak "I'll join you guys. Knowing father, he's suspicious of everything right now." He giggled and they both walked down to the Great Hall.

"There you two are. You hungry?" Ginny asked as she was sitting next to Harry who was talking to Ron and Hermione about the school map.
Albus nodded and sat next to Harry and nudged him. Harry turned and hugged his son with one arm. "Glad you joined us kiddo. We have a plan for you.." he  said and Albus looked at Ron who groaned "you sure about this? He's a second year." Hermione asked and Ron nodded "Voldemort's army is going for the younger students soon. Albus doesn't need to go anywhere but he can be a trap for the next heir of his so called throne."
Harry growled and shook his head "I don't like it.. he's not bait for any dark wizard.."
"Albus won't be alone!" Scorpius stood up from the Slytherin table and sat next to Albus and the others.
"The others and I have been talking. Maybe you can use a hallucination spell. Make it look like a bunch of students but we trap Fenrir and Vincent."
"Vincent isn't the heir of his throne either." Another student who was the 5th year spoke up and sat next to Harry pointing at the map.
"There are rumors going around that Voldemort's army is going for the weaker students. Slytherin's halls has a hidden turn wall called the Sanctum. Only true Parsel tongue can go in there and hide. You can hide along with invisible potion to get you off school grounds but to somewhere safe." He points to the area where it's hidden and Albus raises a brow "I know that wall.. I've seen that thing before. There's not enough room for all of us to hide"
The student nodded "it's not for us.. it's for you."
He looked up at Albus, his eyes wide
"Me?" He asked and the student smirked "you're the heir of his army.." he said and chuckled, Albus shook his head. " how's  that possible? I'm not even strong enough."
The student shook his head "you don't see it do you? You've been having nightmares for months and you've seen dark magic that isn't in our normal magic books.. you're the heir who is stronger than all of these wizards who are killing our people. You know I don't like mudblood but we're losing students who deserve a chance to survive." He said and Albus nodded
"Be careful Potter, you're young but stronger than you think" the student disappeared like a ghost and Albus looked around.
Was he imagining this student? He bit his lip and shook it off and went back to eating with his family
"Albus.. you okay? You look tired." Ginny asked and Albus shrugged "I'm fine. I'm gonna eat then head back to the common room.. that okay?" He asked and Ginny smiling nodded "Ofcourse. Rest if you need to okay?"
Albus nodded and finished eating and went back to the common room.
Harry sighed and looked at Draco who handed him the dark magic book.
" Let's hope he keeps his promise.." Harry said and Draco nodded "They won't send him to Azkaban if he doesn't.. he's a kid still so they'll accept it and let him go with a warning." Draco said and looked at the starry skies on the Great Hall ceiling sighing and closing his eyes for the moment.

" Draco said and looked at the starry skies on the Great Hall ceiling sighing and closing his eyes for the moment

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