"Who is Isadora?" Pt1

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Albus was getting irritated at the fact that his own father was the heir of these so called crystals now. He bit his lip and slammed his hands against the table and stood up.
He walked over to Harry who looked up from the work bench outside in the barn.
"Hey kiddo, you doing okay?" He asked.
"Yeah.. kind of annoyed but you know.. I'm okayish.." Albus mumbled the last words and Harry raised a brow looking up at his son chuckling.
"If you're getting annoyed because I'm the hero of something so stupid? Don't be. This whole war is because the Dark Lord owes the Death Eaters their power which apparently they deserve." He rolled his eyes and tossed Albus one of the crystals "these crystals are basically worthless if you want their magic. All I've seen so far is the past with three professors who killed a student. She was one of those rebellious students who wanted the power to take away pain, but with that, it was dangerous for those who she took the pain from.."
Albus tilted his head and handed him back the crystal. "What do you mean take away pain? Like you can't feel anything anymore?" He asked and Harry nodded "every action has a consequence though. When she took away the pain, the person she did it too either died or became something worse than a Death Eater. They became immortal and deadlier than the  ones you see in the graveyards." He shrugged and sighed "I looked into these crystals.. they're the only ones left so I have a choice. I keep them close and learn that past of this student so I can save this world.. or you and I walk away so we can have a normal life. You and Scorpius can survive this chaos and have a family." He smiles and Albus loved the idea of having a family with his boyfriend.
Albus groaned and raised a brow "what do we do with the crystal then? We can't just toss them into the Black Lake, knowing those creatures would find a way to use that magic to attack us next."
They both laughed and Harry looked at the crystals taking them off his neck.
"I'll talk to a good friend of mine who knows more about these crystals. You and I after will make the decision of what to do with them next.. deal?"
"DEAL!" albus hugged his father and walked off.
Harry smiled as Albus walked off and smirked to himself turning back to the work bench looking at the crystals putting them into the air sighing.

"Who are you, Isidora Morganach and why was your story a target of Tom Riddle?" He asked himself and bit his lip. He had a lot to do but not a lot to go on. "Maybe she's in the history books? But even if she was? There's no photo of her in the halls as a professor." He put his hand on his chin and leaned on the desk.
Ginny chuckled as she walked into the barn
"Thinking too hard is not healthy, Harry. You should take a break from all this, don't you think?" She asked and Harry leaned back and stretched his back. "Plus, Albus has his Quidditch match coming up this week. He'll need your support." Ginny's words of Quidditch made Harry snap out of his magic search and smile back at work. "Fine you're right. This can wait. You know I love a good Quidditch match." He got up and put the crystals on his neck under his shirt and kissed her softly. Ginny smiled and they both walked out of the barn and Albus was already in the air practicing with a few of his friends in the backyard quidditch pitch Molly and Arthur Weasley made for Ron when he got chosen as a Keeper.
Ron was in the air was in the air with them showing different ways to block and Albus nodded  happy he was learning from the best.
Harry summoned his broom and walked over "mind if we play an actual game? It has been a while." He took out his golden snitch and smirked as some of the students walked over and were impressed "we won't use the snitch but we need to focus on the ball for now." He said and a student spoke up.
"Thank Merlin we don't have the real Bludger, those are nasty." She pouted and Harry nodded "did you know that when I was a seeker someone turned a bludger rogue? It went crazy and chased me around the field.." he said and she nodded "It's in the quidditch books to be honest but just reading it? It's impressive that you survived. I heard before you came to Hogwarts there was another who got so hurt he had to be put into the hospital outside of Hogwarts."

They all played for a couple hours and Albus while in the air had a vision where he had to land.
He grabbed his head and everyone flew down.
Ginny ran over and kneeled down toward Albus who put his hand up. She grabbed his hand and he squeezed hard where he fainted in her arms
"Albus!" Harry picked him up and walked him into the home where a few were asked to head back to the school and get Molly and others stayed just to keep their friend company.

"Is this normal for him?" A  girl student asked and Scorpius nodded "we don't know how it started but the knowing the Death Eaters are still out there.. is your mom still at the office?" Her mother worked with the Ministry. She nodded "I'll send an owl so she can talk to the Minister." She walked to the barn and grabbed an owl sending that letter instantly and came back.
Albus was sitting up sipping on tea.
"There are rumors.. tell me everything so when my mother comes she can do something with the Daily Prophet."
Albus shook his head "I don't want this stuff in the news. If the Death Eaters know anything from the papers, they'll come after us here at the farm. This is the only home we have and I don't plan on putting my family at risk."
She nodded "understood.. what can I do?" She asked, but Harry stopped Albus from speaking
"Send word to the headmaster so she can talk to every professor there. I'll meet with professor Weasley so we can come up with a plan to put magic around the school if we haven't already."
The girl nodded and dispersed back to the school.

Albus groaned and stood up slowly putting his tea down.
"Take it easy Albus. I know your thoughts but this is not the time to be a hero"  Ron put a hand on his shoulder and Albus sighed "We have to do something though, it doesn't feel right that we're not doing enough."
Ron pushed Albus down onto the couch. "That's enough of that young man. You're too young to be doing this. Why do you think your father took those bloody crystals off your hands? So you can go out there and die? Absolutely not. You're going to graduate one day at that school and have an amazing future with the young Malfoy.. don't put yourself at risk, let us deal with it.. okay?"
Albus pouted and felt bad that he wasn't able to help but nodded "since I can't be the hero.. what else can I do?" He asked and Ron chuckled
"Stay young.. do what you need to do so you can graduate one day. Promise me you and your friends will it get involved?"
Albus but his lip and nodded, shaking Ron's hand in agreement. "I promise." He said and Ron raised a brow "you're lucky I didn't pull an unbreakable vow on you because you'd be stuck with it until you die." He smirked and Albus gulped walking away which made Harry chuckle.
"You really need to stop teasing him with those silly threats." He said and Ron shrugged "those boys will learn this war is not their place. I know I've been stubborn with your past of being killed by Voldemort but even then, just seeing you in Hagrid's arms limp.. I was afraid I lost my best friend forever." He sighed. Harry walked up to him and hugged Ron tightly.

"I promise to not ever do that again. But I need a favor.."

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