Ghosts Shouldnt Be Alive!

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Harry and Hermione went to Hogsmeade and who was called "Nearly Headless Nick" was walking around, lost and confused about where he was and why he had human skin again. He would look down at his hands and look into the water fountain in the town square rambling on.
"NICK!" Harry and Hermione ran over and Nick backed away for the moment looking at them for a moment "Harry Potter? My boy what is going on here? I was in the common room with the students planning their graduation party,  the next thing I know my body is back to the normal shape and I'm back to myself.. my head isn't even coming off?" He was scared but relieved
"Nick you're not the only ghost who has been brought back to life. Where are the others?" Harry asked and Nick was tired of standing so he sat on the fountain grabbing his head.
Hermione kneeled down and put her hands on his
"Nick.. tell us everything? What do you remember?"
Nick went on about how the ghosts were talking in the common room hallways with some of the students so they could have a party for the graduations that year suddenly they saw a bright light from one of the ghosts. One by one they disappeared and ended up there in town lost and confused.
"Okay.. so we need  find your friends and bring them back to the school. Something is wrong with this world I'm sure you've noticed Nick. You do look good though for a non-headless man." Harry chuckled and they all went back to the school.
Draco and Albus came back with a few of the human forms of the ghosts and told every house to take them to safety until they can figure out what happened.
"Who are we missing?" Albus asked and Harry looked at the frames then the ghosts walking away in their human bodies
"Where's the Bloody Baron?" Harry asked and Hermione rolled her eyes. "I have an idea.."
They all walked back to the Great Hall and found the Bloody Baron with a sword stabbing one of the pig on the table.
"BARON!" Albus called out and giggled as he walked up. The Baron looked down at the small boy and put his sword away "so sorry young Potter, I was in the mood for putting my life in action again.." he laughed and Albus nodded
"Every ghost that has come back to life is being sent to the common rooms for now, then you can go and do your thing later."
The Baron raised a brow "we're not being sent to the afterlife again right? Us ghosts talked and we could teach these students a thing or two" he smiled.
"It sounds like fun and games but this is a dangerous time to be alive. Some of your ghost friends are being turned into Inferi and turned into weapons.." Hermione said.
The Baron raised a brow "do you really think it's safe for us to be around the students then? We need somewhere just in case that witch magic goes dark on our souls."
Harry growled and nodded "he's right.. anything can happen right now. Albus go tell your classmates to bring their ghosts to the Room of Requirement. We can put them there for now. Knowing the room will support them with food and drink on its own." He nodded.

Albus went to every common room and the ghosts went to the Room Of Requirement to hide for the time being.
Albus walked up from being Harry and sighed "okay they're in the room and it's closed off.. now what?" He asked and Harry looked at Hermione who was still confused.
"We don't know yet. Nick is safe, that's all I care about. " Harry spoke up and they all nodded in agreement.
"I'll look into it, Ron and I will head to the Forbidden Forest with Luna, she's good at tracking these kinds of things.. as odd as she is." She giggled knowing Luna was a smart but dd student, but the girls along with Ginny always got along when it came to making this a mystery hunt game.

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