Snake Skin Of The Past

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⚠️ Author Warning: A Bit Of Gore And Blood In This Next Part. If You Have A Weak Stomach, Please Move To The Next Chapter⚠️


Death is what Harry felt when she dug her fang into his arm that year when he and Ron saved Ginny from Tom Riddle's journal which controlled her actions. Holding the sword and shoving it into the head of the beast and screaming in pain as the fangs were filled with a so called poison that could kill a man, or could put them into a frozen like sleep for weeks if you didn't cure it right away.
Harry shivered a bit, but shook it off as he walked up to the head of the large snake seeing the trophy that Ron and Hermione stabbed when they found the Horcrux and kicked it into the pool water.
He smirked and found the head and snapped off a fang off the head and hissed feeling the memory of Dumbledore's phoenix saving his life that day.
"I wonder if he's still flying out there." He chuckled and looked around at the pipes. Raisng a brow he summoned what could would venom from what was left from the basilisk drool and blood and blocked any drain that could lead into school.
Harry flinched and grabbed his head hearing his voice again.
"The Boy Who Lived thinks this will stop me from getting my revenge? The snakes know their true master and even if you hide them.. they will not obey you." The voice laughed and Harry stood up still grabbing his head.
"I don't know why you're doing this Tom, leave me alone! You are dead! You did this to yourself and you think revenge is going to make your army strong again? We've already killed your posse, you think these death eater kids are going to kill me? Come face me yourself you pathetic old man!" Harry hissed and grabbed his wand just in case, but the voice rang louder.
"Pathetic Potter, what would your parents think? You're trying to save your family, but you know deep down you are my target.. you killed me so you deserve the same punishment." The voice laughed and Harry looked at the snake head where he saw the eyes glow red.
"No.. no.. it's not possible!" He backed up and  fell to the ground. Hewas hallucinating that the snake was fully alive and about to attack
Harry wrapped his arms around himself and felt fear, crying to himself as Draco ran in and hugged him tightly
"Harry! Harry.. I'm here. It's just a memory. He's dead and so is the snake." He was calming Harry who looked up and shook his head
"It.. It felt so real.. he was right there." He pointed where the journal used to be and the blood of the snake in the same spot where Harry killed her.

"Remember, it's the  past. The past only happens once and never again. I was told you saved Ginny that day.. you were her hero and I think she would want you to remember that moment.. you saved everyone." Harry looked up and had fear still but leaned into Draco's lap when Draco sat with him on that cold floor.
"His face.. the snake.. it felt so real.." Harry shivered and Draco sighed "Harry.. that's called trauma. We've all been through it. You're a hero though. You saved Ginny. You saved all of us. Voldemort is gone. He's dead because of you and if this is karma with those visions? It's time we put them away. Yeah?" Draco asked thinking it was time Harry store his memories into little glass jars and put them away forever where no one would see or use them.
Harry signed and nodded. They both walked out and Draco looked back sending a hot spell of "INCENDIO" at the pipes to seal them with heat where nothing could enter or leave.

It didn't take long for Albus to walk into the bathroom as his father walked out of the drain pipes covered in gross water and smell.
"Has it really been that long since you've been down there?" He giggled and used magic to remove the smell for now until Harry could go shower and clean up. Harry chuckled and nodded "Hopefully I won't have to for a long.. long time." He shivered against Draco who wrapped his Slytherin robe around him "let's head to the showers. I could use one myself from being up all night with the little one." He smiled and chuckled, looking at Albus
"Is Scorpius okay?" He asked and Albus nodded "he went to dinner, I came to check on dad." He smiled. Harry groaned rubbing the scar on his head
"This isn't normal, Father.. your scar has never hurt this much. Is there anyone we can talk to about it?" Albus asked and Harry signed shaking his head. The only person who would understand and knew what to do was Severus Snape since he was the only person who tried to train Harry to block these memories from being abused.
"No.. for now I just need a shower and I guess some rest. The pipes are blocked down below and I don't want you ever going down there alone if you decide to." Harry knew Albus was that rebellious child so he had that rule that if he was to do something stupid.. bring a friend."

They all left the bathrooms and Harry went to go shower in the Prefects Bathroom which was nicer and cleaner.
He rolled his eyes and chuckled leaning back into the hot bath water and looked over at the mermaid in the stained glass "Have you seen or heard any word from our human folk?" He asked the female in the glass and she shook her head
"Not surprised.. they would have the time to tackle a shower after making a mess of this world." He chuckled and dunked himself into the bath water. He closed his eyes for the moment under water and raised a brow listening for that sound of voices. The only sound he could hear are the mermaids singing when he had the golden egg from the Triwizard Tournament when they did the "treasure hunt" with the gillyweed." He popped up from the water and took a deep breath.
He grabbed his robes and got dressed, walking into the Great Hall with everyone. Albus was sitting with Hermione and Ron eating and talking about the snakes at the zoo.
Harry walked over and hugged Albus from behind kissing the top of his head
"Hey.. how was your shower mate?" Ron asked and Harry shrugged sitting next to Albus "I heard the mermaids.." he chuckled and Hermione raised a brow "from the Triwizard?" She asked and he nodded "it's been years but it was the only sound that kept me awake and aware.." he tilted his head and grabbed the map from Albus
"Hey! I was looking at that." Albus pouted and Harry nudged him "tell me something Ron.. do you see something odd about our common room?" He asked and showed Ron the common room on the map, a figure moving.
"Is that... headless Nick?" Ron laughed and was confused "the map doesn't normally see ghosts."
Harry nodded "I've been talking to Molly..his ghost hasn't seen in months. I asked Madam Rosmerta to look into it. She saw a man walk into the bar one night.. fully alive." He took the poster out of his robe and slid it to Hermione and Ron.
"Who does that look like?" He asked and smirked, Hermione even more confused
"But how? He died centuries ago. I didn't think ghosts could be resurrected." She said and Harry shook his head
"Someone brought him back.. the real question is why and how? The other ghosts found their human bodies but Crabbe said there's a rumor going around Hogsmeade apparently that the ghosts are becoming either human again or they're being tortured and turned into Inferi. Again why is this happening when Nick is always confused and rambling where I'm sure he's lost out there, trying to find us or any student to help him back to the school. He wants answers of what's going on."
Hermione nodded and sighed looking at Ron.
"I'll go with Harry and find Crabbe. You see if anyone has found and brought the human gbosts back to the school yet."
Ron frowned. He knew Hermione was great at doing things, but he hated being away from her knowing she wasn't the strongest when it came to magical defense.

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