Pain Is Only The Beginng.

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Albus would flinch in pain almost every five minutes while everyone was in class. The dark mark that had appeared on arm while fighting Ranrok stung and it was like a deep skin burning where he raised his hand and was excused from class. He sent an owl to Draco who was in he bedroom alone at the Weasley farm while everyone but he and Harry were at the market in London getting food for the couple weeks.
Draco opened the letter as an owl flew in and stood on the bed rail at the end of it.

"Please don't tell father yet but I need your help. The Dark Mark has gotten worse and I don't know what to do. I'm not letting Scorpius get involved, but this has become dangerous. I can't find Vince anywhere and I've had nightmares of the Dark Lord's face. Please come when you can."

Draco bit  his lip knowing he should tell Harry, but even he wouldn't understand how to help the kid.
He walked downstairs and hugged Harry from behind kissing his cheek as he was making coffee.
"Morning.. everything okay?" Harry asked and Draco chuckled and nodded "I'm going to the school, Scorpius needed something from the farm so I'm going to deliver it myself."
"You want me to come along? The death eaters are still out there and after us." Harry suggested, but Draco shook his head smacking his ass.
"It's sweet you want to protect us like the big lion of an Gryffindor you are, but I got this. I am a snake after all that can sneak through walls and your bed when I want you alone." He winked and Harry rolled his eyes. "Take this to Albus for me at least?" He handed him a small box with the Resurrection Stone where Albus could talk to his grandparents about all the deaths happening and about what he could do to stop these nightmares.

Draco smiled and kissed Harry then appeared into the hallways where Albus was sitting close to the infirmary. He leaned down as Albus was crying to himself and holding his arm.
"Let me see it?" Draco asked and Albus raised his sleeve where it was glowing bright
"Damn it.. he's really out there still. Have you told anyone.?" Draco asked and Albus nodded "only the head master, she said to send the owl to you since you've been through this."
Draco signed and closed his eyes speaking posseltongue to heal the pain for a while.
" did you—" Albus started and Draco smiled looking up at him "my father may have been a death eater but he helped everyone and anyone who didn't deserve will get through this Albus, I promised your father I would protect you if anything were to happen." He helped Albus back to the common room  where Scorpius looked up from the snake door and smiled.
"Father.. what are you doing here?" He asked and Draco raised a brow "Albus asked for my help with something but he's going to be fine."
Scorpius tilted his head but didn't question it.
"I passed!" He giggled and Draco smiled "nice job kiddo."
Albus pouted and looked at the others and the head master who looked right back
"Albus, may we speak for a moment?" Molly asked and Albus nodded following her into the quiet part of the hallway.
Scorpius looked at his father who explained everything.
Molly sighed and looked at Albus. He removed his sleeve to show her the mark "it's getting worse, I can't even focus on my studies right now Professor." He bit his lip.
"You will have time to make up your O.W.L.S. before the year is over. For now, the four of us will go to the Forbidden Forest to meet up with Vincent Crabbe."
Albus tilted his head "Did something happen?" He asked and Molly nodded "Keep this quiet for now alright? We will go tomorrow while everyone else is at the Quidditch match."
Albus nodded knowing his house wasn't playing for another week so he had time to practice with the others.
"Albus! Your father wanted me to give this to you before the full moon tonight." Draco walked over and handed him the box with the stone.
"No way.. the resurrection stone? How did he get that?" Albus asked and shrugged "you can ask him later but I'm sure you'll know what to do with it."
Albus nodded "I've heard stories but sure.. thank you. Are you heading back to the farm?"
Draco shook his head "I need to be sure you're good to go and knowing this mark is hurting you still, I need to find Crabbe." He hissed having that protective viper mode where no one messed with Malfoy.
Albus had that feeling right then that Vincent wasn't as trustful as he seemed.

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