Dementor's Kiss And Never Tell

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Harry had gone to meet Pansy Parkinson who had convinced the Dementors to keep their kiss away from Harry. As he entered the dangerous cell hall as they werefull of dark wizards and creatures.
He bit his lip walking in and Pansy walked up hugging Harry relieved he was able to come in safety without being seen.
"You're crazy for coming Potter, but you know I'm down for a little bit of dark fun.. what's your plan?" She asked as they walked and Harry sighed stopping.
"You don't have a plan do you?" She asked and Harry rubbed his arm "I don't know, I was just hoping we could use them for protecting the muggles who are being tortured."
Pansy laughed and looked at him. "You're an idiot Harry Potter, you really think they'll just work with you when you were the cause of the Quidditch game third year getting closed down  that year?" She scoffed and shook her head "I don't blame you fully for that, but I'll say one thing.. you're an idiot for thinking these Dementors will help us." She raised a brow and Harry clenched his fist grabbing his wand as a few flew down and float in front of him.
"I'm not here to fight.. I need your help. Our world and yours is in danger because some of the Death Eaters are going to expose us to the muggle world like they have somewhat already. I know deep down you are not wanting our kind to be killed so you can take any soul and feed yes?" Harry asked and one flew up close, getting into his face.
"You.. Are not ...welcomed here.. Harry Potter.." it flew back and they started flying off
"I will give my soul!" Harry yelled out and two looked back. Harry gulped but nodded stepping up.
"You have been after my soul when I helped Sirius Black escape the school dungeons and you wanted his death .. let me give my soul and last breath to the cause.. but only if you help us." Harry didn't want to die but this was the only way to convince the Dementors to join them.
One flew up and smirked with its teeth. "You betray us.. you will die, Harry Potter."
Harry gulped again, but nodded "I keep my promises to everyone, you can have my breath and my soul when we finish this war."
It smirked and nodded.
"DEAL." It flew off and Harry closed his eyes for the moment catching his breath.
"Are you crazy?! They're going to kill you even if we don't win this war. You're going to be under their hunt and kill list for years if you betray them." Pansy said and grabbed his arm "what is Drake going to think?"
Harry pulled his arm away and shook his head "He won't know until the last moment.. Pansy, I need your word to keep this quiet until the time comes."
Pansy hissed but sighed "For now.. you start to die, I will drag you out of this. I hate seeing my best friend unhappy and your death will turn him into a true dark snake where he will kill every one of those dark creatures."
Harry smirked and she raised a brow. "How are you going to convince the death eaters to work with us?" She asked and Harry smirked "after that year working with professor Dumbledore, we learned something. Every dementor has a plan, a hint they must accomplish. If they don't, they are to be killed or to be punished back into the darkness where they came from."
Pansy raised a brow "so we can convince two or more to track whoever woke up the Ancient Magic to begin with? Doesn't Albus have the crystal?" She asked and Harry shrugged "the magic is forever bis but the magic was opened by we assumed Voldemort when he was out for the Elder Wand when Dumbledore was killed."
Pansy bit her lip and looked back at the ceiling where some of the Dementors were flying around and doing their job keeping the bad wizards in line.
She summoned a couple of them and they had masks over their mouths.
"We have a job for you..."

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