Looking At The Menu

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There were demons everywhere! They were all different shapes and sizes! To top it off there were animals and utensils to objects like bowls and rulers.
You hid a little behind BF/N, she was the braver friend and the one that knew the casino the best out of the too of you.
"Relax Y/N take a deep breath"
"I'll try.."
BF/N lead you through the casino to the dining area where you both found two seats for you guys to sit side by side in which you did.
A menu was on the table but you were a nervous wreck.
"Y/N it's okay.."
"Theirs so many of them.."
"It is a casino and the only casino they can go to..they won't hurt us I can assure you ..see that guy over there with the dice for a head?"
"That's king dice apart from the devil he's in charge if anyone tries to fight they get kicked out..your safe I promise I wouldn't bring you here if you weren't"
"Alright..okay your right I'm sorry"
"You don't need to apologise birthday girl your allowed to be overwhelmed it's your first time here seeing demons and all it's all good" BF/N replied
"Look at the menu have a look what you might like to have to eat that might help distract you" BF/N continued..so you did..you picked up the menu and started scanning the pages of it for something that would catch your eye.
"What do you recommend drink wise?"
You asked
"Well.. I'd have to say..the netherside cocktail..but that's my favourite..maybe give the long descent flamed tea a shot it's got a bit of everything in it"
"What are you going to eat?"
"Steak n salad sounds nice"
"Good choice it's a nice meal I'll probably have the spaghetti and fireball bolongese"
"Whats that?"
"Basically spaghetti and meatballs but the meatballs are made with some ingredients from the depths of hell it's nice a spicy!"
"That definatly sounds like a you meal"
"I know heh"
You both put your menus down and chatted waiting for a waiter to appear.
"So what's with your parents why did they leave?"
"They had to leave for some family emergency on one of the other isles for my grandparents they felt bad and left me some money though so I'll pay for dinner tonight"
"Don't be silly I'll pay your the birthday girl"
"But they left the money for me to go out for dinner"
"Oh..well in that case I'll pay you back for my meal then"
"BF/N that's not necessary"
"Yes it is"
"I'm paying you back for my meal end of"
"Fine fine.."
"So what presents did you get?"
"Uhh I got alot of chocolate and dinosaur stuff but my favourites the necklace they bought me"
You pulled it out of your pocket.

""So what presents did you get?""Uhh I got alot of chocolate and dinosaur stuff but my favourites the necklace they bought me"You pulled it out of your pocket

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"Aww cool why don't you wear it?"
"I..don't know.."
"Put it on I wanna see how cute you look in it!"
You clipped it on and it rested on your chest.
"Aww it suits you!"
"You know....you shouldn't be ashamed of being a hudin Y/N"
"I know I know..but ..there's only a few of us left so.."
"Your scared someone might hurt you"
"Hudins are a protected species Y/N noones going to hurt you"
"True but I still feel"
"How did you know what I was going to say?"
"Because I'm your best friend"
You both smiled at eachother.
"The bestest friend ever..I'm suprised your not scared of me still sometimes"
"Why would I be scared of you Y/N? we've known eachother for years we know what eachother are capable of your a sweet,selfless person" BF/N stated
"Your sweet to BF/N"
"When I want to be"
You both chuckled and you again looked around at all the creatures and people in the casino. Gambling,eating,having a laugh and enjoying their time together like you and BF/N were.
"Who should we flirt with after dinner?" BF/N joked
She chuckled and pointed over at a group of boys talking and hanging out.
"What about them they seem nice and hot"
"Gahh no no no no"
BF/N gave you a grin.
"I'm just playing with you Y/N"
"..they aren't my type.."
"Oh? What is your type?"

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