Staying With Your Best Friend

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You arrived at BF/Ns door which she opened.
"Hi Y/N how did the..oh..not good.."
You shook your head and hugged her.
"My-my dad told me I disgusted him~"
You sulked
BF/N pulled you inside and shut the door.
"Aww Y/N I'm sorry I knew it could go bad but I didn't think he'd say that.."
She rubbed your back supportively

~timeskip a few days later~

A knock on the door caught you and
BF/N by suprise as you were both listening to the radio.
"I'll get it" you stated and walked over to the door however when you answered you regretted your decision it was your dad.
"Dad what are you doing here?"
"Can we please talk?"
"Please?'s important"
You huffed and slipped out the door shutting it behind you.
"I'm sorry..I'm sorry I said cross breeding was disgusting and that it wasn't the life I wanted for you..I just..I wanted you to be happy..I didn't realise what I was doing to protect you or help you have a normal life wasn't making you happy..I just don't want you getting hurt..your mother told me about the cup..the fact that he was the one that saved all those souls with his brother and fought the's just I..had a friend like you that..he imprinted on another species and they..rejected him..I didn't want you to feel the pain of rejection..I was scared you'd get hurt..and you did i didn't realise that i made you feel rejected, that i gave you the pain of rejection that i didnt want you to have in the first place..I wanted to say that I'm sorry but..I'm proud of did the right thing leaving home and standing your ground I was a horrible father.."

Your eyes widened a little bit but relaxed.
"So cross breeding isn't disgusting?"
"No it's not and neither are you..I just said that because I was mad and in shock i was trying to control your life.. I don't want to do that anymore if you want to be with the cup..he's all yours"
Your dad nodded.
"I never should have doubted who you imprinted and your mother went to the casino the other night..we saw him..your mothers right..he's perfect for you"
You smiled.
"Thanks dad.."
Your dad nodded and walked off.
"Dad wait!"
He stopped and turned so you bolted inside and packed your stuff.
"You going home?"
You nodded.
"Thank you for letting me stay BF/N"
She smiled.
"Anytime girl"
With that you ran out the house over to your dad.
"Let's go home"
Your dad smiled and you both walked home together.
"So did you find out his name?"
"Not yet.."
"Feel free to bring him around whenever you want okay kiddo?"
You nodded.
"I'm sorry..again.."
"It's okay dad you were just protecting me.." you replied
When you arrived home your mum rushed out the house and wrapped you up in hugs and kisses..she missed you alot..

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