Give Me A Chance

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The cup had been coming around at the end of every day to try and talk to you to apologise but you never stayed at home you were out and about trying to avoid the heartache you now felt when you thought of him.

he left gifts however often on the doorstep that your mother would pick up and put in your room.
This consisted of a box of chocolates one day.
The next flowers.
Each day something now you had 4 different gifts for the 4 days you hadn't seen eachother apart from the box of chocolates and flowers he had also gotten you a nice braclet and dropped off a cake..each with the same words written on a card with them.

I'm so sorry

It's not that you didn't want to see him it's that you didn't know what to say to him.
You were out in the woods anyway back on the cliffface you loved throwing rocks and kicking dirt.
You had to tell your mother where you didn't want to worry her..she was already worried about you enough..
Your eyes welled up with tears remembering what the cup had said.

"Mamas girl"
"Scaredy cat"
"Your the one with the problems not me"

You pulled at your H/C hair and shook your head looking at the ground.

That voice wasn't from in your slowly looked up and turned your head to the side a bit..he was looked away..
"I-i thought I told you not to come around anymore.."
The cup took a deep inhale and exhale saddly..
"I..know you did but.."
You didn't hear him move closer until he was beside you..looking down at you with those white eyes and big black pupils you looked at those eyes for a few moments before shaking your got up to leave but he followed you..
Both your hearts were aching so much..but you were the one that broke..
"I'm so sorry!~ I shouldn't have said I was looking for a classified friend-or-my a boyfriend you told me not to-"
"Wow wow wow wow wow no no im the one that's sorry alright? I found out what happened you did the right thing and you were scared! Wheezey and the other debtors could have hurt or killed you they thought you were a spy!"
You shook your head and turned around to go near the cliff again but he grabbed your hand.
"Your not going near the cliff when your like this....look it was my fault not yours I was the one that took the argument to far I was the one that called you all those horrible things! I just-I havent done anything like this before I've never had a girlfriend before! I was scared myself and I wasn't thinking things through I am so sorry I offended you! I made you so upset princess and I am so so sorry!"
"B-but-i called you horrible things too!"
"I called you a crybaby and a scaredy cat and told you your the one with the problems princess it wasn't right! Everyone has problems and after everything you've been through at the moment as well I had no right calling you a mamas girl either!"
Your E/Cs welled up more.
"B-but I called you a reckless idiot-a jerk i-i said you have a crazy centre! I offended your size,your nose y-your straw~"
"I said you have an overthinking centre.. Princess.. people offend me because of my size,my behaviour,my nose and my straw everyday.. it's alright"
He rubbed your hand with his thumb lovingly like he used to do before.
"No it's not I love your bent straw and your little red nose~"
Cuphead smiled a little at this.
"I tell you what that you have an overthinking centre? Or get scared? I think it makes you you and I wouldn't change that I shouldn't of been rude about it..I love those parts of you.."
"Princess..look at me my love.."
..did he just call you my love?..
You sniffled but looked at the cup with your teary E/C eyes.
His gaze was so soft so full of love..and guilt..he stood on his tip toes and wiped your tears away with kisses..making you blush..before he went down to his normal level..
"I am so so sorry all this happened that you got so badly hurt by the things I said..I promise it will never happen again..the guys know..they all know now so we don't have to hide it anymore everything's going to be alright from now on okay?..just maybe make sure you don't come to the casino by yourself heh"
You smiled a little at this..
" told them all?" You sniffled
"Yeah they kind of worked it out after our argument anyway but yeah..I came clean.."
You nodded.
"Please..Give me a chance to make it up to you..I'll do anything.."
"I..uh..a date?.. Maybe? Somewhere fun?"
"Would the arcade or carnival be good?"
You smiled they sounded perfect.
"They both sound..perfect.."
The cup smiled happily.
"How about we do both..later today if you want we can go to the arcade and tommorow the carnival..I'll pay my treat as an apology"
You smiled happily and wiped tears away as he held your hand tighter.
You cried happy tears now..
"Nawhawhaw princess.."
He leant up on his tip toes again and pecked Your lips and your tears..making you giggle a bit because it tickled.
"Let's get you home.."
He lowered back down and lead you in the direction of your home..when you got there your mum happily let you both in and the cup helped you clean up your tear stained face in the bathroom while also giving you lots of loving kisses..both your hearts felt warm now..
You asked as you dried your face.
"I'm so sorry so so sorry"
"You don't have to keep apologising..we both did the wrong thing and i-forgive you.."
The cup smiled with a small nod.
"I forgive you too"
You were suprised when the cup suddenly gave you a hug snuggling his head into your chest.
"But I am sorry"
You hugged back.
"I-I'm sorry too"
The cup was never the one for hugs you learnt that from if he was hugging you right now he really was sorry and he really needed both needed one..

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