Playing Pool

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After you and the cup had snuggled the night before from your nightmare you decided to visit the cup at the casino for the first time by yourself.
BF/N was busy helping her mum as she was unwell so that left you to go didn't really like the idea of going alone but your mum was buying groceries and you wanted to see the cup.
You showed the guard your id and entered to the main eating area..only to not find him only saw his you looked around eventually gave up finding him..maybe he was sick?..
"Fight fight fight fight fight!"
You looked over at a group of demons and an eight ball gathered together in the pool table zone so you walked over..the demons were to big and tall!.
You couldn't see passed them!.
You managed to squeeze down in size and slip passed them untill you could see.
It was cuphead! He was holding a pool cue and fighting a casino chips cowboy guy! Who had another.
The cowboy tripped the cup over but the cup got up and dodged a swing from the cowboys pool cue only to notice you briefly in the audience.
He seemed worried for a few seconds but then refocused and hit the cowboy with the pool cue knocking him down.
The cowboy bowed his hat readjusting it but got up and the too sword fought with the cues.
"Fight fight fight fight fight fight fight!" The demons cheered.
You saw king dice in the distance coming over from the roulette and black jack tables..but looked back at the cup and cowboy.
The cowboy swung so much the cup had to move back almost falling off the table!.
The demons cheered were as you gasped and covered your mouth..but he rebalanced him self and dodged before swinging back.
All the demons looked at king dice and moved to the side to clear a path so you did the same..
The too kept fighting however not realising or hearing king dice..
"Cuphead! Chips!"
They both froze..pool cues connected they looked at king dice.
"It was cuphead!"
"No it wasn't you started it!"
"My Office!"
King dice didn't hesitate to grab chips hand and cupheads handle the second they got off the table.
"Alright hey! Watch the clothes boss!" Chips stated
"My handle!"
The cup looked at you one last time before king dice dragged them off to his office and the demons disbanded.
"Hi there!" A clumsy voice spoke you turned around and looked up a clumsy looking eight ball the one that was watching the fight..
"Uhh hi?"
"I'm mangosteen! Who are you?"
"Nice name Y/N!"
"I haven't seen you around before"
"I..don't come often.."
"So why did you come now?"
"I wanted to see a friend?.."
"A friend?"
"Uhh yeah.."
"Who's your friend?"
Mangosteen asked.
"That's uhh..classified?"
You backed up but bumped into turned around..the massive cigar guy..
"Whats classified?" He asked.
"Oh wheezey! Shes looking for her classified friend she came here to see!" Mangosteen replied
"Your not one of those spy's are you?! Are you working with one of those spy's from another casino!?" Wheezey aggressively asked.
"Oh no no no no i-"
"Because if you are you can just leave now or I'll get the boss on your soul!" Wheezey threatened
"Whats going on here?" A creepy looking rabbit asked.
"This lady's looking for a classified friend!" Mangosteen stated
"A classified friend?" The rabbit asked
"Are you one of those spies?!" He asked
"That's what I said!" Wheezey stated
The three were around you and it got worse when a skeleton horse walked over.
"Whats the problem why are you all bothering this lady?" He asked
"This lady is looking for a classified friend!" Wheezey stated
"Phear lap! Hocus and wheezey think shes looking for a spy!" Mangosteen stated
"Of course we do who else could it be?!" Hocus the rabbit asked
"Should I get the boss?" Phear lap asked
"Yes!" They all said in sync.
"It's my boyfriend!"
You blurted
They all looked at you.
"My classified friend is my boyfriend and I'm not supposed to tell anyone hence why i said it was classified! Please don't get the devil honest I am not a spy!..but..I think that guy is.."
You pointed over to a suspicious looking demon with sunglasses on..he seemed to look over and around and when noone was looking slid something to another seemed like an envelope.
Wheezey and Hocus walked over with phear lap tailing behind but Mangosteen stared.
"So who's your boyfriend?"
"Why would I tell you?"
"Wait a minute! You were watching cuphead and chips fight!.."
"N-no no I wasn't-"
"I saw you!..but that means..chips is your boyfriend?"
"What? No elch no!"
"..cuphead?..but cuphead doesn't date..he doesn't have a girlfriend.." mangosteen said
"Whats this about cuphead having a girlfriend?"
Chips asked you and mangosteen looked at chips..and cuphead..
"I don't have a girlfriend.."
Cuphead firmly hurt him to say hurt you to hear it..
"But this lady said she was looking for her boyfriend" mangosteen stated
"I didn't say who it was"
You replied
"Yeah and anyway she's not my type."
The cup looked you up and down and grimaced..that was to far..that..really..hurt..
Chips whistled.
"Ohhoho!" He chuckled
"Huu!" Mangosteen gasped
If he wanted to go far..fine you would to..he already broke your heart it was only fair you broke his too..
"Your not mine either your short,your nose is to small and you straws bent!"
With that you pushed passed the too and walked off..
"Yeah?! At least I'm not a scaredy cat!"
You stopped walking and looked back.
"At least I'm not a reckless idiot!"
This argument was getting attention it was supposed to be fake..but it was turning real..real fast..
"Your right your a cry baby!"
"Better that then a jerk who shames everyone to cover up for his greedy,impulsive crazy centre!"
"I'm better off having a greedy,impulsive and crazy centre then a cry baby, scaredy cat, overthinking centre! Last I checked your the one with the problems not me! So why don't you scadadle on home mamas girl!"
You were taken back..and your E/C eyes and black pupils widened..his black pupils shrunk.
"Wait I didn't mean..-"
" wanna be like that..fine.."
"Why do I feel like this is more then a conversation imbetween too strangers?" Wheezey asked
"That's because it is!" Chips stated while phear lap and Hocus stared in shock..
"I didn't mean-"
"No no it's its fine..I get it..don't bother coming around anymore.."
You turned and went to leave but realised demons were now all around you and the cup..he closed the distance and grabbed your hand gently.
"Please I'm sorry I didn't mean it i-"
You shook your head in tears and ripped your hand from his pushing passed the demons towards the exit of the saw the cup in your peripheral look at the demons around him then at you..he went to go after you..but he was pulled his brother..
"Mugs what the-"
"No not later! I-"
"Later me.."
Your tears flew down your face onto the casino floor as you walked..enough to probably make a were just a cry baby..
You walked home and into your room shutting the door and locking it closed only to collapse against it sulking your E/C eyes out

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