Finding You

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"Okay daisy lead the way" Hilda announced
"Should we get the police involved?" Mugman asked
"No cause I wanna kill these bastards here I'll take him" i replied gently taking daisy off of Hilda berg I headed out the door and soon onto the street with them following behind daisy every now and again pointed so I followed his directions.
Eventually we were somewhere in the city..some rundown place that seemed to not be in use..he got fearful just looking at it and before I could say or do anything to stop the daisyling he fought out of my grip and ran for what I could only assume to be home.
"This must be it" Hilda declared
"We have to be careful we don't know how many are in there and they're armed!" Mugman stated
I made my pointer finger glow red.
"So are we and unlike them we can be brought back to life" i replied
"Speak for yourself you short bastard!" Hilda snapped "I can't be brought back!" She continued
"That's your problem not mine" i replied
"Cuphead!" Mugs scolded
"Sh they'll hear us before we even bust in!" I replied
I stealthy moved towards the building and the too followed stealthy behind me.
We got to a window and poked in..there I saw the mushroom and tulip who took her..along with a rose and some cactus guy....there she was! They were talking to her!. The rose was anyway..wait was she hurt? Did they!? Those fucking-.
I went for the door to barge in but mugs covered my mouth and pulled me back.
"Guys guys sh sh their saying something!"
Hilda declared..
I snaked out of mugss grip and we both listened in..

•°•°YOUR POV°•°•

They had dragged you back out for another had been so long you had refused to eat due to them spiking the food with meth..that awful smell..
So you were starving you threatened them with the brothers arrival even though at the time you didn't know it was coming so soon..
"Im not telling you anything more! The brothers will come they will save me-they'll-they'll k-kick your asses!"
You chocked back tears however knowing they weren't coming.. that they didn't know where you are....that they were probably still looking..
They all chuckled but the rose laughed.
"Hahahahaha! Your soulmate is a pathetic idiot who will do anything for a bit of cash and his brother is a nervous wimp what's the bet with a bit of money persuasion your partner won't toss you away like he gambled his brother and his soul away! Hmm?" She taunted
"He-he loves me-"
"Does he? Then where is he? Noone is coming to save you! they don't know where you are! they have no powers to save you with! They're hopeless and so are you! Even if they did come to save you all we have to do is put a bullet in your head before they can kill us or get to you! Now! tell us what we need to know so we can let forkington know! Now!"
You shook your head in tears refusing.


"Forkington what's forkington got to do with this?" Mugs asked
"He must be in on this he must've known they were here this whole time or at least know what these guys were up to!" Hilda asked
"Sh! Wait-wait wait wait what is she doing?!" I panicked

°•°•YOUR POV•°•°

"If you tell us we'll give you some food without meth in it?" She persuaded
You shook your head.
"Fine don't be reasonable."
She signalled to the cactus and my body shook in fear as he raised his bladed arm up and brought it down on your flesh..your leg mostly....blood went everywhere and they watched In amusement as you cried out in agony..little did you know a certain cup was being held back from coming to your aid....


The second the cactus started inflicting pain I again tried to run inside crying out.
"No! No! Princess! No! Leave Her!- Mhhm!!"
My mouth was covered and my body held back.
My cries were muffled in mugss hand but I tried to break free I tried to free my mouth hitting, punching.. anything so she knew I was here so they knew I was here so they would stop....
Her cries were agonising witnessing her getting hurt was agonising.. everything in this moment was agonising.
"Mm! Mm! hm~ hmm!~"
My tears ran down onto mugss hand as all we could do was watch..when she was not hurt anymore the mushroom guy picked up her chair and took her away..
I shook mugs off of me finally and ran around the building until I saw her..he didn't even bother to stand her chair up properly!..or fix her wound she was just laying there bleeding out..Cagney! I could see Cagney!..
"Hilda I found em!"
Hilda and mugs quickly cae to the sides of me and when the mushroom was well and truly far enough away I tapped on the window..
Cagney looked up and his face lit up..
He looked at my princess and shuffled her chair over to her as far as he could..I soon saw her eyes look up at us but it only made her cry more....
"We'll come back for you we'll find an entry point!" Mugman stated
"Cagney it's you! It's really you Ive been so worried I've been looking all over!" Hilda stated
"It's good to see you too Hilda! Cuphead mugman boy it's glad to see you too knuckle heads!" Cagney whispered
"Princess! Princess! Are you-can you hear me?" I asked
"You guys better help us quick..I don't know if they did it on purpose or not but she's bleeding out fast! She needs a hospital!" Cagney whispered
I didn't hesitate any longer I jumped down and started to look for anyway in possible..only to realise there wasn't any other way in..we'd have to fight or break a window..unless..oh wait a back door..
I grinned ear to ear.
"Mugs Hilda over here!"
They bolted around the corner.
"Lets wallop!"
Hilda and mugs smirked and we broke the door and slipped inside..time to make these dickheads pay.
Pay for calling me an idiot and mugs a wimp.
Pay for taking Cagney.
Pay for taking my princess and soon we'll make forkington pay too.
Pay for being in on whatever plan these guys had.
The one we were about to fuck up bad and you know what I'm going to enjoy every moment of this fight..
I'll make sure if that one way or another these assholes aren't getting away with what they have done.
I won't let them.

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