The Real Nightmare

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It had been a few days since you had seen the cup after what happened the other morning.
Whenever you went to the casino with B/FN he noticed you but seemed to avoid you a little..did you do something wrong? Or was he to embarrassed by what he did?..
"Y/N I'm sure it's nothing relax"
"Maybe he's embarrassed?"
"For what?"
You fell silent.
"I..don't.. know?..something?"
You replied looking at the cup as he served demons cocktails and drinks.
Sipping your long descent flamed tea at your table with BF/N.
"I'm sure he's got a reason and I'm sure he'll tell you"
BF/N stated
After hours of watching BF/N gamble and play on slot machines you and
BF/N decided to call it a day and headed out as the casino was closing.
You were kind of upset with him for ignoring you for the past few days but thought you'd hear him out.
You stopped and turned around so BF/N stopped to.
The cup caught up to you both.
"Whats up?"
"I need to talk to you..please."
You and BF/N Looked at eachother.
"I'll catch you later?"
You nodded
BF/N nodded and you too shared a hug before she looked at the cup.
"What do you need to talk to me about?"
"Look I know I've been avoiding you these past few days but it's not your fault I promise!"
"Then what's being going on? Is everything okay? Did you get hurt or something and not want to tell me?" 
You started to check the cup for injurys in case this was the reason but his pupils shrunk nervously..eyes were on you both.
"No no no no heh no injurys"
Sweat trickled down the cups face as you lifted up his arms and checked his bent torn straw..
You still meant to ask about it..
"Princess hey hey heh I'm not injured I'm okay I just..can we go..some where private? To talk?.."
He head gestured to Wheezey,chips,mangosteen,dice,phear lap, Hocus.. everyone..was you were embarrassing him..
"Yeah -yeah sure"
The cup lead you off into the staff only area.
"Sorry did I just embarass you out there?"
"Nah don't worry about it princess"
"What do you want to talk about?"
The cup rubbed the back of his handle before he sighed.
"Look I lied to you before.."
You froze.
"The other night on the roof when I told you what my nightmare was a lie..I'm sorry..the truth is I keep having the same nightmare that makes me really nervous it makes me question what me and mugs are doing..doing here..working here searching for answers on our powers the anixi whatever it is and I can't tell him this cause it's my fault we got in the mess in the first place."
The cup ranted..he was getting upset with tears in his eyes..
You went to support him but he kept getting upset..
"And sometimes the nightmare is really scary and I can't go in to seek comfort from elder kettle cause he's not alive anymore and I can't go into mugs room because we're to old for that now and i-"
You hugged the cup he froze and tensed up..but then he clung onto you gripping your shirt and snuggling into your chest..hugging you tight the cups tears soaked your shirt.
You rocked you both side to side.
"It's okay cuphead it's okay..your okay~"
He sniffled and whimpered in your chest..
You felt his fingers tug your shirt as he held on tight.
"Hey..hey.. you knwo your never to old to seek comfort from a loved one..theres times when i seek comfort from my shouldnt be ashamed of it..I'm sure theres times mugmans wanted comfort from you too.. i tell you about you and me go to mine and we snuggle on the couch? Hm?"
The cup nodded.
"Yeah? We go to mine and snuggle and you can stay for dinner?"
"Stay for the night~" he whimpered smiled a little..
It was okay..he was allowed to be sensitive..
You rubbed his back.
"I'm not going anywhere you know that..let's get you home"
The cup pulled away with sniffles and wiped the tears from his eyes while nodding his head.
You took his hand and lead the cup out the casino..the debtors noticed you and talked imbetween eachother but your priority was the cup.
"Can we go to m-mine?"
"Of course we can"
You and the cup went to his home and he unlocked the door mugman wasn't here because he was at the Library so it was just you, the cup and daisy.
"You wanna snuggle?"
"Can we snuggle in my bed?"
The cup smiled and lead you to his room once you both entered he shut the door behind you so daisy didn't come in and you both kicked your shoes off before laying in the bed to snuggle.
He snuggled into your chest and hugged you tight.
"Can you stay for dinner?....can you stay the night instead?.."
"Okay.. if that makes you feel better absolutely..but what was the nightmare about about?"
He frowned a little.
"It..just had..everything..the people me n mugs fought, our ghost friend chalice, demons, the casino it's always the same.."
You frowned a little.
"Aww cuphead.."
You hugged back.
"I'm here for you.. you can always come over and stay with me my home is always open for snuggles and comfort okay?"
He smiled and pecked your cheek and rubbed his face against yours.
You blushed and smiled too.
"The same goes for you princess~"
You both snuggled close.
"Thank you for this"
"How was the casino?"
"Ugh don't get me started I had a horrible day.."
"Aw did you I'm sorry..what happened?"
"Sometimes there's just people who come in and don't know how to read or who are just so stubborn! The doors to small blah blah blah this isn't what I ordered ughh"
You gave him a worried look and pecked his nose.
"Well I'm proud of takes a lot of tolerance to deal with people..demons like that..your really brave.."
The cup smiled wider.
"Thanks princess"
He pecked your lips.
"I thought I told you I was the one to do the kissing"
"Will it kill you?"
He raised an eyebrow but furrowed his brows when you pecked his red nose again.
He grinned and pecked your lips and your cheeks.
You held onto eachother breathing in sync and holding eachothers hands.
You looked at the cups straw.
"You still haven't told me what happened here"
You used a finger and ran it along the cups torn bent straw.
The cup looked up at you.
"Oh this thing Whatdya think princess?"
"The fights?"
"Yep..I got this from a fight.."
He took his straw out his head.
"Porkrind would give us whetstone and it would let us turn our straws into axes 🪓 to fight the enemy..debtor..back when we were collecting souls that is"
He swung his straw as if it was an axe.
"It was pretty cool..I guess now it's just a reminder"

"I think it's a cool reminder cuphead"
The cup smiled at you.
"Thanks again..for this princess...your a really good girlfriend.."
He pecked your lips again which caught you by suprise and made you blush but you relaxed and he pulled away.
"Your a really good boyfriend"
You smiled at eachother and spent the rest of the night holding eachother close in eachothers loving arms..
When mugman got home..he found you both snuggling fast asleep in eachothers embrace..

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