In Danger

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You were unable to pick up her scent no matter how hard you tried, the brothers helped you search the cottage and you perked up when the cup called out to you.
You bolted into the kitchen where the cup and mug were exchanging looks as they read a piece of paper.
"What is it? did you find her?!"
You asked as you walked over.
The cup held out the paper infront of you to read it...oh no..
"Y/N you never told us people hunted your species" mugman stated
Your heart dropped..they had her..they had your mother..
"Why else do you think we stay hidden? did they?.."
The hunt! You facepalmed and pulled at your skin in realisation.
"I have to save her!"
The cup looked up at you after re-reading the note.
"You can't do that princess their hunters they'll kill you!"
"I have no other choice she's my mother!"
"I hate to say it but cupheads..right.."
"You can't go after them alone they're experienced in hunting your kind they'll be expecting you to come after her" mugman stated
"So what do we do then? I can't just sit here knowing my mother's life is in the hands of hunters! Goodness knows what they're doing to her!"
The cup put the note down and took your hands in his.
"Princess hey hey.."
You shook your head side to side.
"They could be torturing her or-or they could've already killed her we can't just-"
"Princess look at me."
You looked at the cup in the eyes causing the mug to look imbetween you both.
"We will do everything in our power to help you save your mother but mugs is also right we can't just charge in without a take deep breaths..and let's think of something alright?.."
You nodded.
"Take deep breaths"
You did..
"There we go..alright.."
The cup looked at his brother.
"Any ideas mugs?"
"The first thing we should do is get police involved just so we have extra eyes everywhere" mugman stated the cup nodded.
"I'll go ring the police and get them over here"
The mug left to go ring the police..
"It-it all makes sense it's why I couldnt pick up her scent they covered it!"
The cup looked at you.
"How experienced are they if they thought of that?"
"Very..they have to be.."
"Some hudins are not good..they kill people..and they fight back....but hunters being hunters forget to think that they're good and bad hudins just like they're good and bad people and kill the good ones..ones like me amd mum.."
The cup furrowed his eyebrows.
"I can't lose her-I cant-"
Your eyes welled up.
"You won't lose her I promise!"
"How can you promise that?.."
The cup sighed..
"I can't but..we will try and do everything we can to get her back alive..that I can promise alright?"
"What if they're after me to?"
You sniffled
"Then Me n mugs will protect you! We might not have our powers no more but I got a pistol,mace and an axe and mugs has a freaking shotgun! In his cupboard..we won't let anyone touch you"
He rubbed your hands soothingly with his thumbs and a loving smile.
"The police are on their way!"
Mugman declared walking back into from the kitchen.
"We have to wait to give them a statement then we're free to go"
The mug stated..
Hang on..
Was that...
You nose twitched and you pulled away gently from the cups hands.
"What can you smell?" The mug curiously asked
"What is it princess?"
"So? What's odd about Cinnamon?" The mug asked
"My mums allergic..yet it''s everywhere..they used her allergy against her..she must've sneezed alot..they-they used it to weaken her-h-how did they know what my mums allergic to? How?-"
"Ooookay~ time for you to be outside"
The cup ushered you towards the door.
"Cuphead we still have to give them our statement!" Mugman stated
"We can do it outside!"
The mug followed you both outside.
"Didn't know you were protective brother"
The cup gave his brother a look.
"If you breathe a word of it-"
"I will"
The cup grumbled
"What if they use my allergy against me?"
"What are you allergic to?"
" liquorice.."
"Elch good thing to! black liquorice is gross!"
"What does it do to you?"
"It..makes me cough alot when I eat also swells up my throat makes it hard to breathe.."
"Well I'll be sure to keep black liquorice away from you"
After some time the police showed gave them your statement and the mug and cup gave them theirs.
After this you were told to stay with the cup and mug until your mother was grabbed some of your belongings and followed the brothers back home to their apartment but felt uneasy as though you were being moved closer to the cup who was suprised but smiled widely when you took his hand tightly.
"Hey princess.. "
You looked at him.
"Your alright I've got you..I'm not letting you go without a fight.."
You blushed but nodded.
"Awwww brother! And you said I was the bootleg Romeo!"
"Hey at least I don't tell daisy everything about her!"
The mug blushed and fell silent..the cup grinned triumphantly.
When the three of you arrived at the apartment the cup let you settle in his only brought some clothes and the plush from the carnival..
He didn't seem to mind, either way he suggested you go for a wash to wash the day didn't object..
Afterwards you were nice and warm in some pjs and noticed the cup and mug were in theirs as the mug put dinner on the sat with the cup..the mug sat on the otherside of you and daisy happily ate his dirt from a bowl on the floor.
You stayed silent as the brothers talked..when you were done you took your plate up and washed it..
"I'm uh..I'm going to hit the hay..goodnight boys"
"Goodnight Y/N!"
"Night princess I'll be there in a few seconds!"
You nodded and went to the cups room snuggling under the covers with the plush after doing your silently whimpered..when the cup came in he crawled under the blanket with you..but turned to face you..he moved above you so the back of your head rested on his chest..he wrapped his arms around you gently holding you close..
He turned you around and made you look at him in the eyes..he gently pecked your tears away and wiped them away with a gentle thumb..
"Your mum is going to be okay we'll find her and i wont let anything or anyone hurt you..they aren't going to touch you without going through me first"
You nodded and snuggled in his chest..
The cup sat up.
"Seriously mugs! Not the time dude!"

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