Away From The Edge

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It had been a few days after your dad had passed and you still weren't over it you were distant from BF/N and your mum a bit mostly going on hunts or hanging out in the woods alone.
Which you were doing now you were sitting at the edge of a cliff looking out at the ocean with a few tears leaking out of your E/C eyes.
Because of these tears you didn't hear some familiar voices.
"hey! Hey! Get away from the edge!"
"Hang on..I know who that is.."
"You do?"
"I've got this"
You grabbed a rock and threw it into the sea.
Someone sat beside you.
"Sorry!. Sorry.."
"What are you doing here?"
"Me and mugs were taking a walk in the woods.."
He looked back at his brother causing you to look back at the mug as well but then he looked at you so you looked back.
"what are you doing?"
"Having alone time.."
"Alone time huh? still miss your dad?"
"..yes..alot actually..what does it matter? I can't bring him back so.."
"How did it happen..if I may ask..I'm guessing you too were close?"
"..sorta..we just made up after a fight.."
"He was a car.."
"Oh fuck.."
You nodded and looked at the sea as you threw another rock into it.
"I'm sorry that sucks"


"I know"
"How's your mum? Does she know your out here?"
"She thinks I'm at BF/Ns house..the other girl from the casino.."
"Oh so she doesn't know your sitting next to a cliff?"
Cuphead raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe you should come for a walk with me and mugs"
"Cause I'd feel better and..I'm sure you would to"
The cup stood up and extended a hand to you.
"Come on up ya get"
His accent was so cute!!
You cleared a blush that formed before looking at him and taking his hand to help you up.
The cup lead you over to his brother where he let go of you.
"Mugs this is Y/N the birthday girl from the casino, Y/N this mugman my brother or as I like to call him mugs"
"Oh hi there it's nice to meet you I was wondering who this birthday girl was my brother was going on about" mugman extended a hand for you to shake so you shook it.
"I wouldn't say going on about"
Cuphead replied with a nervous scent..
"It's's nice to meet you to mugman"
"Mugs Y/N will be joining us on our walk if you dont mind"
"That's perfectly fine brother is everything alright?" Mugman asked
"She just needs the extra support right now"
Mugman nodded.
"Let's go then"
So with that you followed the brothers they let you walk imbetween them.
You stayed silent the whole time as they spoke..mugman had a satchel and at one point pulled out a bottle of whiskey..
The brothers shared it but then mugman offered you some.
"No thank you my species aren't big drinkers.."
"Species? As in humans? Humans are just as bad at drinking then us" mugman stated.
"Did I say species? Haha I meant me I'm not a big drinker"
"Nohoho you didn't you said species what did you mean species?"


You heard squaking..
Mum..she was calling for you..she was worried.
"What the fuck was that?"
"That's sounded like a hudin"
"A hu-what?"
"I-i have to go..bye!"
You bolted..well tried to but the cup grabbed you.
"Wow hold on there you can't just run off into the woods with whatever that was out there by yourself!"
"It is a hudin it's my mother I have to go!"
"Your a hudin?!" The mug gasped
"Yes now please-"
"Cuphead let her go.."
"Whats a hudin?"
"A human dinosaur hybrid please-"
The cup chuckled.
"Dinosaur hybrid?"
You nodded..the bushes rustled and with a sqwuak your mum pounced out and bolted to you the cup and mug moved back as she nuzzled you.
"Mum-okay okay I'm 18 you know!"
She snorted at you and picked you up by your shirt.
"Hey would you put me down! Mum!"
To late she ran with you in her jaws home.

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