Sky Full Of Stars

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You were back at home with your mum she was okay and happy to have you back..but she needed help you too didn't have anymore meat left which meant you had to go out for had to hunt..
You didn't really like changing form at the best of times because you saw yourself as Frankenstein..your mother didn't know this..BF/N didn't know this..cuphead..didn't know kept it to yourself but not wanting to say no you did as you were told and once you left the house you changed lifted your head to the sky and flared your nostrils searching for a scent to pick up on..and you did..


After hours of hunting and bringing the food back to your mum to deal with you walked home and changed back..seeing the sunsetting you knew the cup would be arriving sooner or you went inside and cleaned up.
Once you were all clean and changed and free from blood you put your socks and shoes on, grabbing a blanket to also lay on ready to take the cup to the special place you liked to call the sky fall..
"Ohhhh~ where's my hatchling off to tonight?~ another date? What's with the blanket honey?" Your mum cooed and blushed..
"I-uh-..I'm taking cuphead to see sky fall..the blankets for us to lay on.."
"That place you sometimes go to see the milky way? Your secret spot you haven't even shown me?"
You mothers face lit up..she wasn't disappointed?..
"Awwwww~ that's adorable honey! Make sure you take your jumper! You know us hudins are sensitive to the cold!"
Your blushed deepened but you nodded.
"I..guess..I'll go get it right now.."
You left the blanket on the couch and went to your bedroom throwing your jumper on for warmth.


You perked up and walked out of your room picking up the blanket off the couch.

"I'll get it!"
Your mother walked over and answered the door..covered in blood!.
To late.
"Hi i-..did I come at the wrong time?"
"No no not at all come on in I was just dealing with some food from a hunt that's all my bad.."
The cup entered the home.
"You hunt?"
"Usually yes but I needed help so Y/N hunted and I've just been sorting it edible and nonedible.. ."
Oh no no no no no!.
The cup looked at you.
"You hunted?"
You shamefully stated..
"Cool good job it looks like you got heaps!"
"She did it should last us 2 weeks!" Your mum proudly declared
"Nice!..are you ready to go princess?"
You nodded as you stood up.
"Bye have fun! Don't come back to late you'll miss dinner!"
"We wont"
"Bye mum"
You and the cup left and he gently pulled the door shut behind you both..he followed you through the forest..
"Princess?..why are you so quiet? this about the hunting thing? You know it doesn't bother me right?"
"It bothers me.."
He furrowed his eyebrows..
"Why? It's a natural thing you did a good job!"
"It makes me feel like a.."
"Like a monster?"
He took your hand in his.
"Your not a could never be a monster to me ever ya hear me? I've fought demons I'm at a casino almost everyday with demons and the literal devil beings who have killed for fun with no you kill for food to survive your not a monster. Your an adorable hudin!."
You blushed at the cups words as he held your hand tightly honesty in every word he spoke not a single lie.
This made your heart swell and your body feel warm..
Perhaps he was right..
"Thank you.."
He smiled widely leant up and kissed your cheek which made you blush deeper.
"My princess is no monster"
Your blush faded after a bit of silence.
"So where are we going?"
"My secret spot.."
"I thought your spot was the cliff?"
" used to take me there.."
" have a secret spot?"
You nodded.
"I call it sky fall"
"How come?"
"It's the only place where you can see the milky way and shooting stars clearly here in the woods.."
"Has anyone else been to this sky fall place?"
" is the first time I've taken someone there"
"So BF/N hasn't even seen this place?"
"I'm the first?"
You smiled with a nod.
"I think your the only person I'd like to show sky fall to.."
"Yeah..we're nearly there"
"Whats with the blanket?"
"It's to lay on so we don't lay on the grass and get bitten by anything.."
"Hey that's not a bad idea good thinking!"
You blushed a little.
You stopped at a little field were a small water fall and creek was.
"Oh this place!"
You looked at the cup.
"You've been here?"
"Once this is where I fought goopy le grande..and fell in the water when I was younger.. mugs tried to fish me out with a butterfly net haha! I haven't been here in a long time nor have I been at night I also didn't know it had a name~"
The cup replied with a warm smile as he looked up at you slightly.
You nodded in understanding and walked over to the middle of the field..
You layed the blanket down with the cups help..
"It's not dark enough yet..but there is something else I want to show you"
"Oh whats that?"
You took his hand gently and lead him over to the small waterfall were you let go of his hand and knelt down.
You moved the grass and weeds near the rocks next to the creek and it lit up..the cup eyes widened in shock.
He grabbed you pulling you back protectively.
"It's okay look"
You pointed and the cup looked..the cups black pupils went larger as the area around the creak lit up with fireflys..the sight of glowing little balls flying around and the sound of the small waterfall hitting the creak was looked at the cups eyes..they reflected the lights from the fireflys that danced..
After a while the fireflys disappeared back into the hidden safety of the grass.
" was.."
"..yeah..that was just beautiful I've never seen fireflys before.."
You smiled.
"Now you have.."
The cup smiled up at you so you smiled back..
The cup took your hand in his again and lead you over to the blanket..
"Do you think it's dark enough now princess?"
You nodded.
You and the cup layed down together and looked up at the sky..when you both did the cups pupils went even larger..
"Holy shit.."
You giggled a bit at his suprise and you couldn't deny he had every right to be impressed with the sight above him.
Again it reflected in the cups eyes..the twinkling stars and the bright milkyway..
He nodded and as if right on queue heeps of shooting stars flew past and across the sky.
You both layed in silence as you watched the shooting stars fly passed the milky way 🌌.
Once the shooting stars came to an end the cup looked at you looked over at him..
"It's beautiful..thank you for bringing me here.."
"It's feels good to share it with someone.."
The cup moved closer to you and wrapped an arm under you pulling you into his chest to snuggle..
You looked up at the sky again from his chest but the cup kept looking down at you snuggled in his arms and on his chest you looked up at him..
"W-what is it?"
"Nothin..just my adorable soulmate~"
You blushed with a smile but before you could say anything the cup leant over and pecked your lips..a cold breeze was coming would be okay you had your jumper on..the cup parted the peck and you both just stared lovingly at eachother..after a few hours of pointing out constellations and snuggling the cup decide it was time to head back to yours after the cold breeze set in.
"Come on princess let's go back to yours and have some nice dinner get nice and warm"
"Okay my prince.."
You both sat up now at equal level but locked eyes..the cup put his hand ontop of yours and leant in before connecting both your lips..after a few seconds he wanted access so you granted it and his tongue slipped inside your mouth to roam.. you did your best to kiss back as your salivas mixed into one..both breathing through your noses heavily as it got more heated..the cup moved onto your lap and pinned you down to the blanket so you faced the stars and milkyway..when you both parted mouths a trail of saliva was still connecting you both..
The cup wiped it away..and looked down at you..right in your E/C eyes both blushing madly..but unlike you the cup had a huge smirk on his face..
Both panting and just staring the cup didn't hesitate to smash your mouths together again.
He shoved his tongue so far down your throught you chocked on it.
the cup smirked wider at this but grunted a little to.
You put an arm on his back and the other on the back of his head and through his handle..the cup had his hands on the blanket beside your shoulder and on the side of your lower chest.
You both parted again panting more now..
"We should-definetly get you home for dinner now.."
The cup stated as the wind tussled the trees and leaves.
You a blushing mess could only nod as you swallowed..
The cup smirked again but got off of you and helped you up..he then picked up the blanket..and the too of you walked side by side back to your cottage..
The door was open and your mum had already dished the meal..the cup shut the door and put the blanket down on the couch before walking over and joining you both at the table for dinner..
The cup held your hand under the table and after dinner decided to stay the night and rung his brother..
Once this was done you all got ready for bed and said goodnight to eachother..of course after your mum fell asleep however you cleaned up your room and snuck the cup in to snuggle in bed together..
Which he didn't mind at all.

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