A Rescue?

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The brothers had finally made a full proof plan..one that didn't involve you..
"Boys this is ridiculous I have to help she's my mother!"
"It's to dangerous for you princess you'll be killed!"
"I agree with cuphead you have to stay here with daisy we'll have a police officer guarding the apartment and we'll have some with us to make the arrest just stay here"
You sighed..
As the brothers left the cup stopped infront of you and stood on his tip toes to give you a kiss.
"I'll see you soon okay?"
You nodded.
The cup furrowed his eyebrows.
"Cuphead come on!"
The cup looked towards his brother then at you again.
"Don't worry"
He left after his brother and shut n locked the door so you didn't follow..you heard them talk to an officer and soon heard said officer stand infront of the door.

"All i can do is worry...."
You noticed daisy looking at you from the couch.
You walked over to the flower and knelt down.
"What's wrong daisy?"
He looked at his bowl near the table..
"Oh are you hungry again..let's get you some food.."
You walked over and picked up his bowl pouring some fresh dirt in the for the flower he got off the couch and walked over to you and you gave it to him..he happily took it onto the table after climbing onto one of the chairs..
You walked over and sat on the couch..anxious for the cup and mugs arrival home..hopefully with your mother..


The police followed behind us as we snuck up on the hunters base..we heard them laughing and shooting some rounds..the police drew their guns and so did the brothers..cuphead with his pistol at the ready and the mug with his shotgun.

The officers surrounded the buildings exits and the cup and mug snuck in from one of them planning to save
Y/N's mother before all hell broke loose..
Only to find the mother..not alive..the cups soulmates mother was tied up around the neck and wrists..pale..clearly deceased with multiple injurys varying in size and extemeness as if she was tortured.

The brothers pupils shrunk.

"What the hell.."
"Oh no..no no no no No!.."
The cup went to her aid and undid the rope ties checking her pulse..
"Cups she's dead there's nothing we can do!"
"It was a trap..they were never going to keep her alive....how am I going to tell Y/N?"
The mug went to his brothers side.
"It's not our fault brother.."
The too carried the body out of the building..one officer called a hospital morgue as the others entered and the gun fight and arrest occured.

All the hunters were taken into custody and were definitely going to jail for killing a protected species.
One hunter gave the cup a glare.
"Your lucky we didn't get a hold of her..she would have way looked way worse then-"
The cup didn't hesitate to pull the trigger on the hunters stomach.
"Sorry not sorry..your lucky you didn't try..you wouldn't be alive right now"
The cup walked off back towards home..the city..


°•○YOUR POV○•°

You heard their voices.. you heard the police officer move out of the way and leave..the door handle turned and you stood up from the couch before it opened the cup and mug were home..
But..where was your mum?..
"Where is she?"
You asked worriedly
The brothers looked at eachother and all the cup could do is shake his head.
"We were..to late..I'm so sorry.."
You froze.
"Your lying to me..this is some joke or stupid prank right? Because it isn't funny!"
"He's telling the truth Y/N..she's..gone..it was a trap set for you..she's been dead for days.. "
You felt your body shut down.
The cup approached you with saddened eyes.
Your E/C eyes welled up and you ran..
You ran out of the apartment up the street you saw police cars leave an area in the distance and a..no....
"Princess Wait!"
You saw the cup in your peripheral vision following closely behind..
You watched as the police cars and morgue vehicle drove passed..
This couldn't be true..
You ran again..this time for home..
The cup followed..you knew he did..when you got to the forest he however lost you.. you ran for home changing mid run..
You halted at your cottage and cry sqwuaked for your mother.
You tried again..
And again..
And again..
And again..
You searched but she was nowhere to be found,you opened the cottage door and searched the cottage for any signs of her entering her room with saddened coo clacks..
"Princess? Are you here?"
You ignored..
You nuzzled your mothers bed and blanket to catch her scent letting out a saddened groan..
You tilted your snout to the ceiling and let out a roar of pain..although you were a reptile..you felt tears leave your eyes..you collapsed onto the floor with your head and neck on your mothers bed..
Changing back to human with your head in your arms sulking what felt like your soul..out..
You heard the footsteps approaching..but all you could do was hug your mums blanket in agony..
You heard him sit beside you..you felt him pull you close and rub your back..
"I'm sorry my love..I'm so sorry.."
He kissed your head even though your face was hidden away..
"It's going to be okay..I'm sorry..I'm so sorry my love.."
He hugged you as you hugged your mothers blanket.
"I-I w-want my m-mum~th-this is all my fault-it-it was a trap for meeee~ we-we should've gone s-sooner"
"I know love..I know I'm sorry..I'm sorry we were to late I'm sorry.."
"I'm sorry princess..I'm sorry..it's okay it's alright your going to be alright I promise I'm going to take care of you from now on.. okay?sh.sh.sh.sh.shhhhh~"
You let go of your mothers bed so the cup let go of you..you didn't think twice about picking the cup up onto your lap for a proper hug head resting on his shoulder..
He stayed with you and rubbed your back lovingly until you calmed down..which..wouldn't be for a long time..
"I'm so sorry princess"

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