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With you settled back in you had to alert BF/N that you hadnt left and apologise for the scare..but you didnt want to leave the cup with an injured arm.
"Princess i'm fine go and see your friend mugs is with me he'll take care of me won't ya mugs?" Cuphead asked looking back at his brother who was tending to daisy and his food.
"No I'm just going to let you with an injured arm do more stupid things" mugman replied sarcastically
"Can't you come with me?"
You asked
"Do you want me to?"
You nodded
The cup again looked back at his brother who shrugged.
"Go for it"
"Alright i'll come"

With that you were both on your way to
BF/N house in the forest..
You both stayed in silence..sure he wanted you here and needed you here..but you still felt a feeling of dread for what you had swore you could still taste the blood in your mouth from hocus..
You looked down at the cup who was looking up at you.
"Is something the matter?" Cuphead asked
"No..i just hope BF/N isn't worried or freaking out to much" you replied the cup rasied and eyebrow.
"Is that all?"
"Yes why? Do you think there's more?" You asked the cup raising your eyebrow..he looked at you suspiciously..
"Maybe i do maybe i don' there more attached?" He repeated
"No" you replied looking away from him to watch where you were going..
"Love..tell me whats the matter?" He asked
"..i don't..feel good about myself..what i wasnt okay..i feel awfull..guilty-"
"Guitly? Princess hocus was trying to kill me" cuphead replied
"Doesn't mean i don't feel guilty for hurting him....i still swear i can.."
"You can?"
"F-forget it..we're here.."
You moved ahead so the cup didnt try and continue the conversation..
You knocked on the door and waited for it to be answered..
"BF/N you home?" You heard a gasp from inside the home and shuffling before the door was flung open and she wrapped her arms around you.
She was in tears she must have been crying..
"Oh Y/N! thank goodness! I thought you were gone forever!~ i thought i was never going to see you again what made the thought even cross your mind to leave? You had me worried sick!"
BF/N ranted
"There was just an accident that i thought was my fault..but..someone made me change my mind" you looked back at the cup who stood behind you which made BF/N look at him..
"He followed me to the harbour and stopped me before i left..and now i realise my mistake i never should have tried to leave in the first place..knowing i left the letter for you i figured I'd come back and let you know" you replied
"Good thing you did to i was going to get a boat ticket to hudin island and come after you myself!" BF/N replied
As you both broke the hug..
"Your kidding..right?" You asked
"Does this answer your question?" She held up a way..she would do that for you?..
They really do care about you here in the inkwell isles even though your a different species?..
You looked imbetween your best friend and the cup and smiled.
"I guess it does.." you replied
"I won't be needing this anymore.."
BF/N declared scrunching up said ticket which she then threw away..
"So what did happen? What's with his arm?" BF/N asked gesturing to the cups casted arm..
"Uhh a casino debtor named hocus went aywal and attacked me but princess here did her best to protect me" cuphead replied gesturing to you with his head and a smile..
"Isnt that the rabbit that does the magic tricks?" BF/N asked
"Uhm yes actually that's the one" cuphead replied
"I never did like that rabbit so good job you too want to come in have a drink?" BF/N asked you looked at the cup as if asking for permission..
He caught your look then looked at
BF/N then back at you.
"You don't have to ask me for permission princess she's your best friend..yeah we'll stay for a drink" cuphead replied
BF/N nodded and moved to the side to let you both in so you and the cup shuffled inside and took seats on the couch beside eachother.
"What would you guys like alcohol? Water? Juice?" BF/N offered
"What alcohol have you got?"
"Gin and vodka"
"Nah i'll just have water thanks"
"Juice if you dont mind BF/N"
"I've gotcha covered I've got your favourite" BF/N stated she left and soon came back with the drinks placing them on the coffee table infront of you both she sat down on the couch across from you both..
You took your glass of juice and started drinking it.. feeling really heated up..
You and the cup were nervous being this close to eachother..the couch was so small so you too were pretty much shoulder to shoulder..thankfully not on his casted one..
You were aware you had both shared the bed and snuggled countless times now but there was some tension imbetween you both you couldn't name..
BF/N looked imbetween you both and noticed you both avoiding eye contact with eachother..
"Okay have you too had sex yet or what? I can feel the tension imbetween you too!" BF/N announced you went red and hid you face..
The cup on the other hand perked his straw up straight with a blush but freaked out..
"Oh my godd noo no no no no heh not yet no" he replied
"Well i think you too should soon cause the tension between you too jesus its intense"
"Oookay~ ending conversation.."
Cuphead replied picking up his glass of water and taking a drink..
BF/N shrugged.
"Alrighty just how's your brother mugman?" BF/N asked
"He's good he's fine why? He's been hanging out with his buddy gabriel studying the calix animi and exploring the mausoleums with him they're trying to work out how to get me and mugs's powers back" cuphead replied
You looked at the cup you didn't know that..
"Really no reason just curious?" BF/N replied
"If your crushing on mugs don't bother he has a school boy crush on cala maria" cuphead replied BF/N blushed "oh no no no no haha no i have a boyfriend i was literally just curious" BF/N replied
"Good" cuphead replied
Finishing his water right as you finished your juice you both coincidentally put your glasses down on the coffee table at the exact same time....
"So how are you too doing? How's sharing a room?" BF/N asked
You and the cup looked at eachother and smiled the cup leant his head on you for a few moments.
"It's actually been amazing..since Y/N moved in my life's been perfect..she's the best snuggler, she's caring, she's perfect, she even chases my bad dreams away like a little angel"
Cuphead admitted
"Awwww" BF/N replied
Your pupils shrunk in suprise but your blush returned in a deepened shade..
Cuphead looked up at the clock in BF/Ns home..
"I'm sorry to cut this short but we gotta get going" cuphead replied standing up and helping you to your feet with his good arm..
What a gentlmen..
"Oh that's okay I'm just glad Y/N didnt end up leaving for ever" BF/N replied "thanks for proswading her to stay" she continued
"Why wouldn't i? She's my princess I'm her prince it wouldn't be right if i let her leave" cuphead replied
BF/N followed you both to the door and held it open as you both made your way back to the city waving goodbye..
Well that was a relief..
At least BF/N could calm down and not stress anymore..
"So are you going to tell me about what you still can? Still can what?"

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