Ordering Dinner

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"Someone who loves me for who I am..I guess looks don't matter..nor size..just the size of their heart I suppose"
"Awwww look at you!~" BF/N cooed.
You grumbled but perked up when someone approached the table.
"Hi there welcome to the devils casino can I take your oooorder.."
The waiter. A cup. Froze. You froze too. Both your pupils shrunk. He nearly dropped his notepad and pen as his mouth hung agape..
You felt the world slow down but your heart rate speed up.
It was peacefull.
The world felt right,it felt full of happiness, you felt as though the monsters that clouded your mind could no longer set foot in it.
You both stared at eachother with your eyes locked.
You looked away realising what just occured was a result of you imprinting and the cup shook his head side to side snapping out of the daze and looked at BF/N.
"Sorry about that can I take your order?"
"Yes thanks For food we'll have a steak n salad and a spaghetti fireball bolongese"
  The cup wrote it down.

"We'll have a netherside cocktail and a long descent flamed tea"
"Okey dokey should be ready in a jiff"
The cup looked at you before walking off.
BF/N Looked at you so you looked at her.
"What was that about?"
"You and the cup were giving eachother googoo eyes"
"No we weren't "
"Yeah you were~ big googoo eyes you were staring into eachothers souls!"
"Pfft I wouldn't go that far BF/N"
"Your pupils were small Y/N..hudins imprint..did you just?..on the cup?"
"No No.."
You shook your head.
"Are you sure?"
"I don't know....I'm pretty sure i didn't though"
You did though and now you were hiding it from your best friend....because you were scared....
"He seemed cute though didn't he? I've seen him around he's got a younger brother that works here to! there the cup and mug that saved a whole bunch of souls and beat the devil in a fight to do so....now they work here heh ironic Huh?"
"That's them?..I heard about it on the radio.."
"Yeah that's them" BF/N replied
The cup returned.
"One netherside cocktail and one long descent flamed tea your foods nearly ready"
"Thanks alot.." BF/N stated.
"No problem"
The cup looked at you.
"So what brings you to the devils casino? I haven't seen you around before"
You grew nervous so you looked at
BF/N with pleeding eyes and she answered.
"She wanted to come here for her birthday dinner"
"Oh happy birthday!"
You smiled nervously.
"Th-thank you"
"How old did ya turn?"
The cup seemed suprised.
"Big 18 huh? Congrats"
"How old are you?" BF/N asked
"A year older..I'll go make sure your foods ready as soon as possible"
"Th-thank you.."
The cup left again and BF/N smirked at you.
You were both silent after that BF/N drunk her drink so you took a sip of the long descent flamed tea.
It was interesting to say the least but you didn't mind it, it was actually quite nice.
"You like it?"
You nodded.
"Yeah it's actually really nice"
"That's good"
You were focused on the drink to much that you weren't focusing on what she asked next.
"So....the cup? You lied before didn't you? Did you imprint on him~?"
You then froze and chocked on your drink realising what you said.
"Hahahaha I knew it!"
You looked away from BF/N
"So do you think he's cute or hot or~?"
You looked over at the cup who was serving another table.
She caught your glance.
"I-i guess he's both..he is very..attractive.. but he does look cute with the bow tie.. "
"There you go! Okay good anything else?"
"His bent straws kind of cute to.."
"I really shouldn't be saying this stuff though.."
"He's your soulmate what are the chances of soulmate rejection for hudins?"
BF/N asked
You looked at her.
"For a hudin to imprint on a hudin the chances of rejection is %11"
"That's not so bad that's like a %89 chance your mate accepts you!"
"For hudins on other species..the chances of rejection is..%15"
"You still got a %85 chance he'll like you though!"
You gave her a look.
"You need to not worry about it I'm sure he'll like you back"
"How do you know?"
"Well he stared at you with googoo eyes didn't he? Isn't that a good start? He felt the same spark you did"
"I-i guess?"
"Don't worry I'll help you too hook up infact I'll plan the entire wedding!"
"Oh no no no no"
"He's coming back over~" she teased.
You looked over at the cup who was approaching with your food.
"I can't do this"
"Yes you can"
"No You don't understand my-"
"One spaghetti fireball bolongese"
He put the spaghetti infront of BF/N "and~ one steak n salad for the birthday girl!"
He gently slid the steak n salad across the table to infront of you.
"Have a nice night ladies"
"Thank you!"
With that the cup gave you a wink and walked off you blushed up that wink was..hot..
BF/N Looked at you with a smirk.
"Assss~ you were saying?" She asked
"I can't do this now..I can't-I shouldn't have imprinted!"
"Why do you say that? You can't control who you imprint on or when you imprint"  BF/N stated
"You don't understand if my dad finds out I imprinted on a cup instead of another hudin he's going to flip!"
"Wait..what are the chances of a hudin imprinting on another species anyway?" BF/N asked
You fell silent.
"Y/N?....what are the chances?.."
"....5..5 percent.."
BF/N gasped.
"So..nearly.. "
"When was the last time a hudin imprinted on another species?"
"1 in a trillion hudins imprint on another species...the last one was 50 years ago ....and their usually..shunned....my dad wanted me to imprint on another hudin a male hudin!..and I imprinted on a cup..I'm going.... to get shunned..my parents are going to hate me.."
Your eyes welled up with tears threatening to fall.
BF/N put a supportive hand on your shoulder
"Y/N don't cry it isn't your fault you shouldn't care about what other people or your dad thinks!..if you! Chose the cup it's for a reason it's because he's the one for you not anyone else and I thought you said you wanted that..someone that loves you for you! You imprinted on the cup because hes the one that's going to love you for you not some male hudin your dad wants you to have! if your dad and mum really care about you they'll except that and if not it's their problem!"
"But nothing! You like the cup yes?"
You nodded.
"That's what matters! You chose him!....now..let's dry those tears.."
She wiped your tears away gently.
"And have a nice birthday dinner"
You nodded.
As you both ate your mouth watered at the taste of the steak..this was the best steak you'd ever eaten..

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