His Palace

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"Worth it?"
"She was in trouble..I had to help..I couldn't watch"
"Come on Y/N let's get you home" BF/N insisted..but you didn't want to go home.
He just fought a guy 10x his size..for you?.. you stood up and walked around the table over to the cup.
she then gasped realising what you were doing.
"Uh cuphead?"
"What is it mugs?"
"I think someone's come over to say thank you.."
The cup turned around to look up at you.
His nose was bleeding and his eye had a bad bruise.
You stopped a few feet away from them.
"Thank you..but..why?.."
The cup smiled.
"I told you I'd protect you didn't I?"
You smiled.
"You still coming over?"
"I can't say no now"
You furrowed your brows at his eye and nose leaning your hand out..
the cup froze as you wiped his blood away with one hand and put your other on the side of his eye.
He whinced.
"You should put an icepack on that"
The cup put his hand on yours.
"I'll be fine"
The cup gently removed your hand from the side of his face and looked back at his brother who head motioned him over to the bar.
The cup looked at you.
"Will you wait for me?"
You nodded.


BF/N had stayed with you until the cup was done but when she saw him approaching she bidded you farewell and told you she would let your mum know where you are.
"Thanks BF/N"
"Anytime" she smiled lovingly and as she walked away made a heart shape with her hands.
You looked up at the cup as you were sitting down.
His eye looked so sore..at least his nose stopped bleeding.. you noticed a while ago he had put a tissue up his nose to stop it..but still..
"Aw your eye"
You got up.
"Wow wow it's alright..it only hurts if you touch it"
"I'm so sorry"
"Tch wasn't your fault some drunk idiot was being inappropriate"
"..where's your brother?"
"He wanted to stay back a bit and learn some new card tricks from King dice"
So that's would leave you and cuphead home..alone?..
"Come on"
He leant out his hand and you took it..the cup lead you through the city to an apartment complex and soon into an apartment.
"Here it is me and mugs's home!"
"You live in the city?"
"Now yes back when I was younger no I lived in the woods in a cottage like you"
"Soooo let me give you the tour~"
He lead you around.
"This is the living room and kitchen me and mugs bake stuff in here all the time"
"You cook?"
"Yep cakes,Pancakes,cupcakes,muffins brownies we cook heeps of stuff..I can make you Pancakes one morning if you ever want to stay over?"
You smiled.
"I'd love that..I'm sure they'd be delicious"
The cup smiled and lead you down a hall.
"Bathroom, toilet and laundry"
He pointed to each one as he continued to walk and lead you along.
"This is mugs's room knowing him it's tidy as can be and it's probably were daisy's hiding"
"Yeah daisy he's a little flower guy that stumbled into our apartment one night he refuses to leave so he kinda just lives here now with me and mugs..between you and me I think he likes mugs more"
The cup opened the door and the room like he predicted was spotless and on a broken flower pot near the bed a flower creature was curled up in a ball.
"Told ya tidy as can be..that's daisy.."
"I know.."
He shut the door and lead you to the last room.
"And this is my palace~"
He opened the door..his room..was a mess..his dirty shirts,pants,socks and boxers were everywhere..there were cards and other stuff to.
"Oh gosh..I am so sorry!" He scrambled around and picked up the dirty clothes.
"Hah forgot about those"
He nervously declared.
Although you were pink..you couldn't stop looking at the poor cups eye..it was twitching and the poor cup seemed to be in pain from it..
None the less he left the room with the dirty clothes and came back empty handed.
He picked up the cards and other things lying around and put them on his bedside.
"I don't usually have girls in my room..sorry about that.."
"It's okay..my room isn't awfully tidy either.."
This made the cup smile.
"So uh yeah..this is my palace!."
"Are you the prince or the king?"
You joked a little.
The cup sat on his bed..
"Oh I'm the prince!..who knows..maybe you could be my princess?"
A lump formed in your throught and your blush deepened.
The cup froze and his pupils shrunk.
"I am so sorry..I didn't.."
"It's okay..do you have any frozen peas? Frozen fruit?"
"In the freezer..why?"
Your blush faded.
"Stay there"
You walked back to the kitchen and in the freezer dug out a packet of frozen peas.
You walked back to the room seeing the cup waiting for you.
"Hey what were you.. oh..I really am fine"
"No your not..your eye keeps twitching and your in pain..your lying about it.."
The cup seemed suprised.
"How did you-?"
You walked over.
"Can I?"
The cup looked at his bed and nodded patting down the spot beside him you sat down.
"It will only sting for a second"
You leant the frozen peas out gently..the cup flinched away at first but took your other hand in his and let you gently place the frozen peas on his black eye.
"Tchh shit"
The cup looked at you with his good eye and held your hand tighter.
"You don't need to apologise..thank you..noone apart from mugs has ever..done this before.."
You smiled softly.
"I-..uhh..I feel like this is wrong to say since we only met a few days ago but..I.. "
You held your breath.
"I really really..like..you?"
Your blush returned and went automatically deep.
"Before you say anything..I know it's wrong because we only met a few days ago but..I just.. the second I saw you at the casino..something....clicked..I thought love was like gambling or it wasn't real at all but..it's more like..archery"
His thumb rubbed your hand gently causing you to look at it before looking back at him.
"You shoot your shot and if it misses it sucks..but if you hit the target..it's the best feeling in the world..I feel like we hit the target I feel like cupid..heh..I feel like he shot us both in the back..for eachother..you don't have to say anything I just thought I'd let you know how I feel"
The cup now fell silent..it was your turn to talk..even though he said you didn't have to..you wanted to..
"I really really like you too.."
"You do?"
You nodded.
"I do..I felt the same thing..but it wasn't cupid.."
"Huh? I know I was just joking about cupid..kind of..lord knows if he's real at the rate I'm going it wouldn't suprise me"
"It was me..I.. imprinted on you..hudins..imprint on their soulmate.."
"And you chose me?"
"I..don't have control of it..it's what my dad was angry about..it's why we had the fight that we did.."
"The fight was.. because of me?"
"The..chances of a hudin..imprinting on another species is really low..my dad wanted me to imprint on another one of our kind..but when he found out I imprinted on you....eventually we made things right but then..you know.."
"I know..well..aren't I lucky to have a soulmate like you Huh? Does this mean you really are my princess now?"
"If you want me to be..but Your not upset? Your stuck with me forever....unless you reject me that is.."
"Of course I want you to be my princess your adorable..and Upset? Reject you? Why would I be upset? Or reject you? Your to cute and sweet and selfless..your the other half of me I've always needed..Being stuck with you forever..sounds like the best thing in the whole world"
You lowered the frozen peas and looked away a bit..
"There's no buts about it."
He put his hand under your chin to make you look at him in the eyes..
"I love you.."
Your pulse was going so fast you thought your heart would explode into fireworks inside you.
"I-i love you too.."
The cup looked at your lips briefly then relocked eye contact.
He was leaning in..
Centimetres away.

His porcelain lips softly connected with yours..your noses booped..your eyes closed....as quick as it started..it ended..the cup gently pulled away..

I should learn how to kiss now that I've got a princess Huh?"
He chuckled as he raised an eyebrow in a cute manner making you blush heeps more then you already were.
The cup grinned.
He leant in to peck your lips again but a whining noise was heard and something tugged on cupheads shorts..

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