Caught Red Handed

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It was late at night the cup was snuggled in bed with you in his yellow shirt and boxers fast asleep but couldn't sleep you looked at the sleeping cup that was beside you then back up at the needed to go for a walk..

You silently and carefully moved out of the bed and over the top of the cup as not to wake him up you moved towards the door but looked back at the cup.
"I'm sorry my prince.." You mumbled
The cup stirred a little and turned to his side to face away from you and the doorway so you left the room putting your shoes and socks on before leaving the apartment and taking the cups apartment key with you as you locked the door behind yourself.
You walked out of the apartment complex and through the city feeling unsafe at this time of the night as a human you changed form..

You walked through the city and to the Cemetery on the other side of the inkwell being closed with the fence locked you dug a hole and entered underneath it.
You walked over to your parents graves side by side and nuzzled your head against them..with sad coos and clacks you sat down on your hind legs.
You stared at them both not knowing what to say or do but stare you hung your head and huffed.

After a few hours you made the decision to return home and you did..sliding back underneath the fence and covering up the hole to cover your tracks you walked back through the city..
Only when you got to the apartment did you change back to human and unlock the door with the cups key..slipping into the apartment you took the cups key out of the lock and shut the door locking it behind you again..
You took a step back but bumped into something that went
You froze and slowly turned around only for a small light to be turned on revealing the cup in his yellow shirt and boxers standing behind you with his arms folded..
"Cuphead-h-hi-uhh what are you doing up?"
The cup raised an eyebrow.
"Wondering where you went after I woke up to find you not in bed where have you been princess?"
"Out where? It's 3 in the morning"
"Just..for a walk.."
"Look I'm fine okay it was just a walk"
"A walk at 3 am when all the demons go walking around? yeah no it wasn't just a walk where did you go!"
The cup now sternly but quietly asked.
"I was just a walk!.."
"No it wasn' know how I can tell? Because your heart is basically leaping out of your chest I can see it hammering against it right now! let's try this one more time..Where did you go?"
He sternly continued.
You looked down at your chest and sure enough your heart was hammering into it.
You were caught and now you were trying to hide it from your soulmate..your body wasn't going to let you get away with it.
You looked at him and gently sighed giving up feeling to tired to fight..
"I just went to the Cemetery..I went straight there and straight back..I'm fine.."
"The Cemetery?.."
You nodded and gently moved passed the cup.
"..let's just go to bed okay?.."
He grabbed your hand and pulled you looked back at him noticing his furrowed brows..
"Talk to me..please my love I want to help you..why did you go to the Cemetery? you know it's locked at night time.."
"I..dug under the fence.."
The cup gasped
""I know I know I'm sorry but I covered the hole up again!"
"You went to their graves didn't you?"
You hung your head.
"I'm sorry"
"Ey ey you have nothin to be sorry for princess..but next time..wake me up cause I'll come with you ya hear? I was worried when I woke up and saw you were gone..It's not safe out there at this time of the morning all the demons come out to torment the living"
"Okay my prince.."
The cup stood on his tiptoes and pecked your lips putting his hand at the side of your face to deepen it before separating them.
You leant into his hand. His touch. His love.
"I love you cuphead"
"I love you too princess..I'm going to stay with you through this okay? Why don't we go to bed and tommorow I take you on a date"
"I'd - I'd like that alot my prince"
You replied with a small smile the cup smiled back and gave you another kiss before leading you back to his room.
The cup let you get in the bed first so you did after kicking your shoes off, the cup moved into the bed with you and you both stared at eachother.
"Yah gonna be okay remember what I said the other day?"
"Your never leaving my side"
"I'm sorry I made you worry my prince"
You replied snuggling up to him.
He grinned at this.
"It's alright princess"
"I promise I'll wake you up next time"
"'s alright"
He kissed your cheek.
"It's alright my princess"
You both snuggled up together for the rest of the night in eachothers arms.


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