As Long As You Need - Anxious!Nico (Valdangelo)

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Despite Leo's constant jokes and humor, he knew this was one of the very few times where it wasn't allowed

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Despite Leo's constant jokes and humor, he knew this was one of the very few times where it wasn't allowed.

Nico hurled into the toilet, his arms holding him up above it. Leo sat behind him, rubbing his back and reassuring him.

This didn't happen a lot, but it was awful when it did.

"It's just nerves, baby," Leo reassured. "I'm here for you."

Nico coughed, starting to cry, "I'm never going to be good enough."

"You're good enough, I promise," Leo assuaged, "Just as you are."

Nico felt another wave of anxiety hit and his stomach hurt. He leaned forward and threw up his lunch again into the toilet. Just thinking about his day made him feel this way, a packed schedule of training, counseling, work... usual things that just seemed to be too much for him this time.

"It's okay, we can take the day off," Leo said.

Nico appreciated that. We. They were in this together.

"I just feel like I'm letting everyone down, a-and I'm failing at my duties. I'm the son of Hades! I shouldn't be this riled up," Nico explained, wondering how disappointed Chiron and his friends would be in him if they could see him right now.

Leo shook his head, "No, baby. You're not letting anyone down. It's only human to feel this way when you work yourself to the bone like you do. You just need to rest."

"I feel awful," Nico admitted, realizing he becomes needy when he's ill but he didn't much care in that moment.

Leo leaned over and kissed Nico's shoulder gently, "I know, love. Is your stomach okay?"

Just as Nico was about to nod, another wave hit him and he regurgitated into the toilet once more. He moved a hand down to clunch his stomach, it aching like a jerk.

Leo simply rubbed his back again, holding a cloth that Nico could wipe his mouth with when he was ready.

"I love you," Leo reminded, which did ease Nico a bit.

Nico nodded, taking deep breaths and trying to calm his mind. He did not want to throw up again.

"I need water," he mumbled, feeling embarrassed for admitting that he needed something.

Leo quickly left and brought back a water bottle, setting it next to Nico, "You need to hydrate. An machine can't even sleep properly if it's not oiled."

Nico nodded, taking a small sip but realizing he should've rinsed his mouth out first when he cringed at the taste.

After a little bit, he felt better. Leo wiped his mouth for him and Nico stood up shakily. He leaned into Leo, just wanting a hug. Leo hugged him for a few minutes, then picked him up and went to lay him down.

They laid together, cuddling.

"Just don't worry about anything," Leo told him, kissing his head.

"Okay," Nico replied, not evening putting up a fight. "You'll stay with me?"

"As long as you need."

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